And when the Governing Body changes its mind...

by passwordprotected 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • passwordprotected

    LL - you've lost me completely. Are you saying that I've to follow and trust imperfect, uninspired men on earth and that if I don't I'll lose my life?

    Sorry, do you have any verses in the Bible to back such an assertion up? If you don't, then I'll have to complete discount everything you say.

    Do you have Biblical answers or don't you?

  • StAnn

    LL said:

    "Jesus, at times, spoke in parables and symbolically..... at times his words were not understood...... sometimes they were understood and missed by them .... Jesus said words to the effect that unless you eat of my flesh and drink of my blood you will not be saved..... many people reasoned that these words were shocking and who could follow this?...... resulting those people leaving being his followers..... He asked his apostles if they too were leaving..... they replied with words to the effect that where would they go to and jesus had words of life..... would anyone construe that this was because they understood the meaning of Jesus' words?..... I would think not..... but again..... I believe that they knew that in due time the meaning would be revealed....."

    Guess what, LL. Jesus meant what he said. There was no "due time". There is nothing in the Bible to indicate that Jesus didn't mean exactly what he said. What "you think" is irrelevant because it's not backed up by scripture. The people went away from Jesus because they understood, right then and there, that Jesus was saying that they had to eat his flesh and drink his blood. This is what we do when we partake of the eucharist/communion today. This is a big reason the early christians were feared and persecuted, because people mistakenly believed they were cannibals. Even Nero thought they were cannibals because of this. Read your history.

    And for the Bible character upon whom I try to model my behavior, although I don't succeed very well, I choose the Virgin Mary, a devoted wife and mother who said "yes" to God no matter what he asked her to do.

    Perhaps by bringing you to this board, God is asking you to examine your beliefs in the light of history. Will you say yes?


  • diamondiiz


    Let's see, is it logical for Jehovah to use Russell who taught, yes taught not thought as WTS may make you believe that last days started in 1799! Russell taught that Christ returned in 1874 and began to rule as king in 1878 and that they would be taken to heaven in 1914. I'm sure there were others on this planet that worshipped Jehovah at that time but I guess God choce Russell who advertised Miracle Wheat but didn't make any money from it since all donations went to Watchtower Society of which Russell owned 47,000 shares out of 50,000 which would translate to Russell being Watchtower. Now, Russell didn't want to satisfy his wife because he needed to remain a virgin since it's these that go to heaven thus needed to live a cold married life with his wife but had no problem groping a girl who he was like a husband to but making sure Mrs didn't get no money he transfered all his cash to Watchtower and then when she filed for divorce he didn't have a penny to give her because a "holy" man that he was he had nothing to show for. Ahh but that was just the beginnings that God needed to use someone, so when Russell died a better man took upon himself to be a leader a judge who in fact wasn't a judge but liked the title of a judge so everyone called him such. He claimed that there was more prove in the bible that the ancients were going to be resurrected in 1925 and there was more proof of that from the bible than that of 1914 and to prove that was so he build Beth Sarim to show the world the faith that the ancients were returning but since he didn't want to waste the mansion sitting there he went out of his way to live there and drive the 16 cylindar Cadillac on the behalf of those who would be resurrected that way their car would be worn in after all. Besides Rutherford and those of his societies had devine knowledge as to identify those who would claim to be resurrected ancients but none showed up. As the war began he needed to have couple bunkers build just in case so when he died he was hoping to be burried by his mansion or if that didn't fly with the authorities he was hopeful to be burried on Beth Shan - but the evil satanic governments also refused that request. Now that is how the persecution befalls the poor WTS by all the enemies of god and from the start there were no better honost men then these for God to use. After all, it was in 1919 that WTS was cleansed and faithful servent was appointed by returned Christ that is also why it took another 5 years to see that Christ didn't began to rule in 1878 but in 1914 and it took another 12 or so years to realize that Christ didn't return in 1874 but in fact in 1914 and that is how long it takes for the light to get brighter since it's sooo distanced from the real source of light thus 1925 was only a misjudgment my a judge who was better than others and could explain Christ's truth to them better than any other man at the time. Yes this must have been direction by Christ which He channelled to the people through the WTS! Yes this is the society that is chosen and directed by God to lead mankind and they are the ones everyone should follow because there weren't any better men on earth for God to use because it makes sense that God would use men that lie and decieve and come up with dates to test His faithful since when God said that He doesn't test his people with evil He must not have been thinking of false predictions they would lead people by. When Christ said that no one knows the day nor the hour obviouly Christ wasn't telling the whole story because He knew that the year could have been calculated by only reading the bible and using 606BC for destruction of the temple even though facts show that it was 587BC but it was also a proof of inspiration that 1914 was revealed to the faithful slave even though they couldn't calculate properly and only decades later the new light was revealed that it wasn't 606BC but in fact 607BC but their date was still correct non the less. It is also a fact that all the historical evidence that pointed to 539BC of Babylonian fall to Cyrus was only partially correct because their found evidence that temple destruction in 587BC was wrong! That is why WTS has such insign where they can use same body of evidence and judge some as valuable as 539BC evidence prove to be and other evidence they can throw out as compromised or as non-reliable such as 587BC. That is what makes WTS a faithful body to follow no matter where they go and it's too bad for me that I don't follow such wise men even though they're imperfect I'm sure any possible wrong they do will be excussed and forgiven them while all other people including their own followers will be beaten to death for questioning them. Their light must travel from Pleiades constellation where God's throne is located and that's why it takes such a long time for the light to get brighter, Russell was right all along and too bad he's not around now so he could have maybe expound more on the passages of the pyramid of Giza where we are in the plan of the ages.


    Parakeet - I nearly died laughing at your post...

    A few years ago, a poster (can't remember if it was AlanF or Farkel) wrote about hearing an elder say that he would roll a peanut down the street with his nose if the WTS told him to do it.

    Of course, the WTS is never to blame because their "official" position is:

    *** w98 3/15 p. 22 par. 15 Living Up to Christian Dedication in Freedom ***
    If a Witness makes decisions on the basis of Bible counsel offered by the Governing Body, he does so of his own volition because his own study of the Bible has convinced him that this is the proper course. Each Witness is influenced by God’s own Word to apply sound Scriptural counsel offered by the Governing Body, in full recognition that decisions he makes will affect his personal relationship with God, to whom he is dedicated.—1 Thessalonians 2:13.

  • SPAZnik

    haha, fun!

    reminded me of this:

    (i'd embed it for your viewing convenience but I don't know how to, sorry)


  • AllTimeJeff

    The "choices" that the GB makes available to their flock is akin to sending each convert down a long winding country road in their car. The road is owned by the GB, the gas stations are owned by the GB, and are conveniently spaced apart to help you in your "decision making".

    No wonder they call their way the "cramped and narrow road". It's a metaphor not to describe the difficult life of a Christian, but the few decisions available to a converted JW. Again, this represents conditioning in how to view the GB control of its members.

    But hey, it was YOUR decision. (bullsh*t!)

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