How Should We Deal With "Pirates"?

by minimus 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • marjoe

    Somolians have never extended their necks with rings (that is the Padaung tribe in northern Thailand) nor have they ever put bones through their noses.

    Your anthropologist skills are lacking. Trace the tribes, the clans.

    There were no "Somalis" before the early 1960s.

    When there, there are no "Somalis" today.

  • recovering

    first of all as i have said before they have never "put a bone in the nose" next your racist attitude is not needed here. NOR IS IT WANTED HERE. You demonstrate your ignorance not only by your ethnocentric rants (which are extremely misinformed) Please go away . There is no room for your racism here. Your claims are stupid .

    as i have said before the region of Somalia is a world apart from the body modifying peoplles you describe.

    Septum piercings are also still worn by the tribesmen in parts of Papua new Guinea, often adorned with plant stems and bone jewellery

    and extension of the neck was performed in thailand

  • marjoe
    first of all as i have said before they have never "put a bone in the nose" next your racist attitude is not needed here. NOR IS IT WANTED HERE. You demonstrate your ignorance not only by your ethnocentric rants (which are extremely misinformed) Please go away . There is no room for your racism here.

    where is the "second of all? I am not a racist.

    Why do you not address the questioning of your statement?

    Why do act like you speak for the entire community?

    Are you an elder here?

  • marjoe
    as i have said before the region of Somalia is a world apart from the body modifying peoplles you describe.

    I don't have any idea what a vague answer like "worlds apart" means. let's drop this for a moment as you seem to be upset. If I'm called "stupid" anymore I'll have higfh school flashbacks....all the cool kids called others "stupid" when they disagreed.

    Straight question: Were the pirates justified in their actions? Does the West deserve it?

  • truthsetsonefree

    The issues are probably complex, dealing with who knows what. But I will say it felt good to hear that the Seals took these guys out and the hostage was rescued.

  • tenyearsafter

    I may be off base here, but aren't most of the ships seized by pirates a 100 or more miles off the Somalian coast? I recall reading that the attacks are happening further and further from the coast of Somalia. How does this then have anything to do with the sovereignty of Somalia's waters? Territorial waters are defined by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea : a belt of coastal waters extending at most twelve nautical miles from the baseline (usually the mean low-water mark) of a coastal state.

    This purely an issue of profit, nothing more...since it is a criminal venture, it should be handled accordingly.

  • marjoe
    The issues are probably complex, dealing with who knows what. But I will say it felt good to hear that the Seals took these guys out and the hostage
    was rescued.

    Although I am "stupid" and "racist" and don't know much: I agree.

    Complex. Yes. Much more than a "The West deserved it" comment.

  • recovering

    As i said before no they are not justified in attacking anyone. However I strenously object to your racist characterizationof anyone. I am not an elder nor do i ever want to be one. These boards have always had a rule against racist speach. So if you can not refrain from using it, then you should not post here. Attack the pirates for their actions great , Attacking them for there ethnicity crosses the line.

  • marjoe
    I may be off base here, but aren't most of the ships seized by pirates a 100 or more miles off the Somalian coast? I recall reading that the attacks are happening further and further from the coast of Somalia.

    Please be careful the "political correctness" police are on patrol and wll call you names.

    Of course this has nothing to do with their (there is no "their" there is a failed state) territorial waters.

    They are theives. Period.

    Some hate the West so much they will try to chalk the thuggery up to "they deserve it"....kinda' like Osama trying to hijack the Palestinian cause, post hoc.

    Next we will hear how Obama led the nation through this challenge.

  • marjoe
    As i said before no they are not justified in attacking anyone. However I strenously object to your racist characterizationof anyone. I am not an elder nor do i ever want to be one. These boards have always had a rule against racist speach. So if you can not refrain from using it, then you should not post here.

    I am not a racist, never have been. I did not use racist speech.

    Calling "racist" is a very typical red herring.

    I do not need you to interpret for me, and label me what you think I am. i left that at the Kingdom Hall.

    I do, however, forgive you....because you are an American and your country is the only hope for the world.

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