WORSE THAN TSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Warlock 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    JD: Did you see this part:

    The federal trial judge, James Nowlin, an acquaintance of the Lago Vista Chief of Police, did not just summarily dismiss the case, but on his own motion declared it "frivolous" and ordered the attorney for Atwater, Charles E. Lincoln, III, to cease the practice of law, which was not within his jurisdiction. He then asked the FBI to investigate Lincoln. When FBI agent Nancy Houston, after two years of investigation, reported she found nothing on which Lincoln could be prosecuted, she was told to look again, and Lincoln was charged with the federal felony of "misstating" two digits in his social security number given to open a checking account at Wells Fargo Bank, under 42 USC ยง 408, based not on any document provided by Lincoln, but only on the basis of an entry in the bank's computer, made by some clerk. However, Lincoln and his lawyers were intimidated into making a plea agreement for no prison time but only resignation from the Bar.

    Atwater's husband Michael Haas had obtained a burn permit to burn brush in his yard, but when he attempted to do so, a Lago Vista officer charged him with a violation of the ordinance, and when Haas offered to show his permit, the officer, according to Haas, assaulted Haas with no provocation, and arrested him for assaulting an officer. The Texas Medical Board then used this incident to remove his license to practice medicine and he lost his job at a major hospital in his county.


  • tenyearsafter


    You say you work in a law office...do they specialize in civil suits against law enforcement?

    I am the first to stand up and say that there are cops out there that make bad decisions or even criminal ones, but they are no different than any other "business"...the majority are good, solid employees, sprinkled with a few bad apples. That would certainly apply to the legal field as well. I just wonder why you are so passionate about painting law enforcement with the broad brush of abuse of power? Did you personally have a bad experience?

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    but they are no different than any other "business"...the majority are good, solid employees, sprinkled with a few bad apples.

    No, they are very different from other businesses. Few businesses have the authority or the power to trample your freedoms underfoot and do you irreparable harm. I can't imagine how someone can blow such fundamental abuses of our freedoms and our personal dignities off so lightly.

  • tenyearsafter


    Don't misunderstand...I am in no way blowing off fundamental abuses of individual freedoms or personal dignities. I would guess that unless you are in law enforcement, my personal understanding of the power and authority afforded police officers might be more acute than yours, since I have been a police officer for 25 years. The point I was making is that the VAST majority of cops do their very best to do their jobs right...it only takes one or two knuckleheads to reflect very badly on the profession as a whole. I just don't understand why that broad brush of abuse of power is so easily wielded by some on the board. I respect everyone's opinion, but I don't necessarily agree with all of them. To only focus on the stupidity of a few, does a great disservice to the many that put their lives on the line every day defending your safety. I personally don't expect your love or admiration, but I do expect people to be fair and balanced.

  • tenyearsafter

    And I will add, that I am 100% in favor of "bad" cops losing their jobs or being prosecuted if what they did justifies it...

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    tenyears, I understand that it's a tough job dealing with the public who are usually not at their best. I know you will have a different perspective than me.

    However, I don't think robdar was painting with a "broad brush." She was specifically talking about the cops in the cases we're talking about, and not talking about cops in general. Yes, the vast majority of cops are good people just trying to do their jobs.

    Yes, it is easy for the profession to get a bad reputation at the hands of an incompetent/dishonest/jackass few (just like the legal field.) However, we don't care about the bedposts we don't stub our toes on, we care about the ones we do stub our toes on, even though they're fewer in number. ;-)

    I would think someone in your profession would be even more upset with jackass cops than the average person would be. I know I would be fit to be tied if someone were sullying my profession's reputation in the same degree.

  • tenyearsafter

    JD...I agree with you, and maybe I was being a bit sensitive regarding robdar's posts...I guess I just see too many people jumping on the "bad cop" bandwagon.

    I get very upset when I see some cop doing something downright abusive...I can understand honest mistakes, but have no tolerance for blatant disregard for what they know is right. The departments I have worked for do not tolerate that behavior either...I saw several cops lose their jobs for exercising bad judgement and/or engaging in abusive behavior...and I applaud them for cleaning out the bad apples!

  • cameo-d

    Robdar says:


    First of all, many people will believe him just because "he is a preacher". We all know a man of the cloth would never lie.

    He has "instant believability" because of his 'status'.

    This whole thing could be staged for a purpose of inciting gullible people based on the prima facie of 'believability

    This is the sort of police state shit you are constantly harping about and now you dismiss the guy's story because he's a minister? So, in this case you like the police state? It's okey dokey with you just as long as they are tasering people who are ministers, or people you don't like? You are quite a piece of work. Hypocrite too.


    First of all, I don't harp on "police state shit". That is an outright lie.

    My posts on this board are probably 95% religious-biblical-JW related.

    Ever since I gave a piece of my mind about Jewish chicken sacrifice, you have followed me like a puppy all over this board for months making argumentative remarks and ad hominem attacks on me.

    Rather than confront the idiocies of "your religion" you choose to focus your attention on me for pointing out those absurd rituals.

    Any religion that requires bloody slaughter of humans or animals to satisfy some invisible sky daddy is abhorrent. (Yes, humans,too....don't forget poor Issac almost ended up on the chopping block per Yvhy's requirement.) And here's a modern day "child sacrifice" http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/163730/1/Crazy-Religion

    Any religion that practices asking an oracle (Urim and Thurimin) for answers is just plain superstition. You might as well just get an 8 ball.

    Robdar, it should be apparent to others as well, that for the past 7 months, thread after thread, you will come along almost directly after I post. And rather than comment on the subject at hand, your comments on the thread are directed to ME. And they are always antagonistic or personal attacks.

    I think you are directing your anger at me because you are afraid to confront issues in "your religion". You resent me for pointing these things out and making your religion look like the absurdity it is. You are afraid to acknowledge it because you might have to admit you have been duped again, just like the false path to god that the WT offered.

    Now, back to issues of this thread. You asked:

    "now you dismiss the guy's story because he's a minister? So, in this case you like the police state? It's okey dokey with you just as long as they are tasering people who are ministers, or people you don't like? You are quite a piece of work. Hypocrite too. "

    I have a feeling that much of this "police brutality" is being staged. The incidents you have posted since you made the above statement are evils that have been politically contrived by those who are higher up.

    This beast system we are under is built upon many professional and "secret" societies. People owe favors; people receive bribes or get blackmailed. That's the way it goes. Maybe some of these atrocious injustices originally stem from some personal vendetta and the victim is 'punished' by downline or upline obligation of a 'favor'. That way the 'punishment' is indirect and the victim never really knows why the injustice happened to them. They never even realize it was because someone had it in for them.

    There is much more going on here than meets the eye.

    The masses react to what they see on the surface. And this is how they are manipulated. Media is p*wned and they write the slant the way they are instructed.

    Once the masses can be wound up into a fury to protest, rally, riot....then watch what happens.

    Then you will have special forces, a privatized army to replace local law enforcement, and maybe even martial law if it gets out of hand.

    As far as I am concerned, this 'preacher' should have been taking care of the duties he is being paid to do by his congregation. He is cheating them by collecting wages from his parishoners and not serving them. Instead, if he is engaged in political activist work, then he has jeopardized the standing of his church by defying the separation of church and state.

    Perhaps he is part of a well orchestrated plan to help bring about the fall of Babylon Baptist. Surely he knew that being a political activist was a "conflict of interests".

    I don't think any of this well rehearsed story actually had anything to do with police brutality or demanding his rights.

    I think there is a grave political issue at stake and also I think it is one of many stories designed and manipulated to incite the anger of the general public.

  • ohiocowboy


    Here is a link to botched police raids on innocent people. Many times, the victims do not even get an apology.

    And here is another...


    It is really sad how so many abuse their authority.

  • Warlock
    I just don't understand why that broad brush of abuse of power is so easily wielded by some on the board.

    Maybe it's because the 90-95% of the so called "good guys" sign off on the reports submitted by the bad guys.

    Now don't tell me that doesn't happen, because it happened to me.

    What about that, ten? You good guys sign off and cover for the bad guys.

    I know you do.

    Deny it, justify it, but you CANNOT bullshit me.


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