I do not understand your question warlock. Did you watch the video?
Btw...the "victim" specifically makes the claim in both confrontational videos that he was specifically asked "what do you do for a living?"
Think about it. Most people do have pride in what they do for a living. Whether or not it is a usual question a cop might ask, most people would have no problem responding to that question. Many people might even hope, that with having a friendly cooperate attitude, that this cop might even be a potential customer. How they behave toward law enforcement would even reflect on their company.
And for the christians who believe this "victim" I ask you...
Even if a cop should overstep his bounds, what instruction does Jesus give when you are faced with unfairness or a unrighteous person?
1) turn the other cheek
2) give to Ceasar what is Ceaser's
3) if a man wants your shirt, give him your coat, too
I am sure others could probably quote other scriptures even more appropriate.
From a man who supposedly "represents Jesus" does this testimonial show of his behavior bring glory to Jesus, even if he is within his rights?
Fact is (if you will pretend for a minute that this was not staged).....this "victim" did not show much wisdom. Instead of insisting on "rights" what would it have cost him to answer a simple question?
On the video I posted, Preacherman was beligerent; he was the one being an a$$---not the cop.
Preacherman was doing all of the talking.
You could hardly hear what the officer was saying.
It was very slanted so that you would be influenced by what "victim" had to say and not what, in reality, was going on. Victim tried to make it look like aggression and harrassment, but all of the harrassment I saw came from "victim".