Did You/ Do You Believe Marriages Are Supposed To Be Forever?

by minimus 63 Replies latest social relationships

  • minimus

    The MAJORITY of people I know who are married either have cheated at least once or have mentioned regret to ever having married. As Witnesses, we were taught that marriage should be lifelong unless adultery occured and even if it did, many times, eccouragement was given to forgive.

    Now, I see many couples go thru the motions but almost hate their status.

    So, are marriages meant to be "forever" or what?

  • Finally-Free

    I'd like to see marriage abolished and divorce lawyers unemployed.


  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Yes, marriage is a good frame for personal and economic accomplishment, if one manages to make it work. A small detail, though, it takes two to succeed in it. Good thing wifey and I are on the same wavelength in this respect.

  • StAnn

    Minimus, I've been divorced before and am currently married. Given my personal experience, I feel that marriage should be forever, yes, but that it should be much harder to get married in the first place. If people knew going in that they couldn't get out easily, they might be a little choosier about who they married. And I think the age limit should be raised to 21 at least. If you're not responsible enough to purchase alcohol at 18, you're certainly not responsible to make a decision like marriage that will affect your future every second of your life.

    I will say that my husband and I have had our difficulties. If I weren't Catholic and didn't believe that marriage is a sacrament, I probably would have divorced him. But because I now believe that marriage really is forever, I've worked a lot harder at making a success of our marriage. Now we actually have a very good marriage and love eachother very much, but it was no small task getting to that point.

    "Love" is great but maturity and committment mean a lot more, in my opinion.

    St. Ann

  • jaguarbass

    Marriage is a legal aggreement to share assets and liabilites.

    Thats what it is where I live in Amerika.

    It doesnt really matter what I believed when I entered into the contract.

    Caveat Emptor.

    I used to think I was going to live forever in a garden and have pet lions.

    I used to think I didnt need an education and that God would take care of me.

  • Quirky1

    I think the marriage license should expire every 5 years and if you wanna renew it you can, if not....well, you see where this is going.

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    In the Bible there is mention of such things polygamy, concubines, incest, and Brother-in-law marriage. Eve, in fact, appears to be an afterthought in the creator's mind. If one were to take Matthew 22:29 literally, no one who returns from death in a resurrection will be maried.

    And then, some claim that humans will be taken up to heaven as the "bride of Christ," ending any previous bonds.

    Modern marriage is a legal ceremony established in order to identify ownership and responsibility of people and possessions.

    In my view, since marriage is terminated by scriptural decree, divorce, or death, marriage was designed as a temporary phase used for the purpose of filling the earth as well as to fend off loneliness. I strongly suspect that no one will remain married "forever."

  • journey-on

    Quirky...what a quirky idea. And it makes sense!

    Maybe marriage is supposed to be forever, but can you imagine being married to the same person for 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years, much less eternity!

  • ziddina

    I always liked the Celtic/Gaelic tradition of 'hand-fasting', but then, that was in force when women had much more power than they've had for the last 200 years.

    Celtic women of that time period owned the house and land. Any man who came to a woman and agreed to be hand-fasted to her would enter HER house and lands during the time of the hand-fasting, and would LEAVE them when/if the hand-fasting wasn't renewed. He had no right to take her possessions away from her. Interestingly, in some Middle Eastern and North African cultures, the woman owns the tent and all within it. The husband has rights to a certain area of it, and his objects within that area, but the tent belongs to the woman. Amongst the Berbers of North Africa, the woman has great latitude to divorce her husband. Unfortunately, there are many instances of violence against women, possibly due to the influx of Muslim influence, possibly due to the dire straits that a man thrown out of the tent could be reduced to...

    It's all about money and power. I don't believe in romantic love any more. Zid

  • dinah

    I think the marriage license should expire every 5 years and if you wanna renew it you can, if not....well, you see where this is going.


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