In terms of faith I have decided to give the invisible characters a rest for the time being. The last set I had weren't really adding any value, and right now I'm happy with more rational answers to life's mysteries.
In my opinion religion was an early attempt to answer these mysteries and so inevitably we are accelerating towards a post-religious world. When technology allows us to extend our lives as long as we wish, the need for salvation via invisible magic diminishes. It seems to me that religion is deeply influenced by parental authority and cultural norms. If any born-again Christians care to answer, tell me what religion you think you would be had you been born in Afghanistan and would your faith have been equally strong? Thanks for reading PaulMy Weak Agnostic Testimony
by besty 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Spiritually speaking, the path you are on is forward moving, not an abandonement altogether. I find myself on the weak agnostic side of things as well, and can really relate to what you wrote. Thanks for sharing!
Yes, it is a journey.
I didn't think it was weak at all. Simple, to the point, lovely. :)
"All thinking men are atheists" - Ernest Hemingway
I think of God a little like Jacob from Lost (pre-season finale, lol). Noone knows who he is, or where he is, or what he's really all about, but a few select people have duped the masses into believing that they are in contact with him and know what he wants.
so inevitably we are accelerating towards a post-religious world.
Thank God!
Thank God!
I lol'd
drew sagan
I pretty much agree but there is one thing that hangs on me. While belief no longer interests me, I still tend to feel that there still is value in religious practice and tradition. Many people still enjoy traditions without ever letting belief take them over.
When we were JWs the argument was used that "people in the world just passivly practiced the religoin they grew up with". Now more than ever I personally can identify with those do simply maintain the traditions of their parents and grandparents. Here in America I believe a passive, universalist belief is growing steadily. People want to continue the traditions, but on their own terms.
If any born-again Christians care to answer,
tell me what religion you think you would be had you been born
in Afghanistan and would your faith have been equally strong?I have no idea,. All I know is I was raised by a Mother who scared me about GOD!
!A Father who was an atheist
then one day when I said "COR BLIMEY" he sat me down & read me the riot act
about if I kept saying that GOD WOULD blind me..
So I never believed in a god of any kind.When I was bombed
in England ..I was 9 months pregnant,The roof fell in & we couldnt get out
so I had to climb on a big dust bin to jump over a six foot fence ( still standing)
I remember running out to the front of the house there was a grassy area
getting on my knees & thanking GOD!!!! I didnt ever pray so dont know why I did this ??/
Then when I came to Canada after being hoodwinked by the Catholic Church
telling me I had to be a Catholic to marry my Catholic hubby ,being pregnat I needed
to marry so succumbed.( under pressure) FEAR!!!!! AGAIN!!
studied for 2 years. -
Got baptised... Worked really hard for the WT....Got kicked out
cos I didnt believe Jesus came in visably in 1914...
then got into the Coonites!!!!! another cult...NOW!?????? What do I believe as a born again???There has to be a Creator
because of all the beauty...I was born again Oct 20 1989 How ?
By just admitting I didnt know anything!!!! If there was a GOD of the Bible
please let me know..Since then I dont go to church, I do PRAY .I do have a PEACE
I never experienced before in my life.
And I LOVE!!!!That is a sign of PEACE FOR ME!!!!!Religion in my opinion causes more trouble than anything.
Sorry for the long post.