I hate that.
Have you noticed that JW's who've been "raised in the truth" are crappy spellers?
by gubberningbody 52 Replies latest jw friends
well, yes some of them.
But certainly not all!
Are you incerating something? I resemble that remark!!
It's not just JW's though.
AK - Jeff
I spell pretty well on most occasions, thank you very much.
Know what I hate more than that?
Stereotypical thinking!
The Almighty Homer
Most are because education is played down as being unimportant, how many JWS can you think of that have obtained an degree in English Composition,
or a University degree of any kind ? As long as you can read the WT and their other literature you have enough education,
and there is not a wide based vocabulary used in their articles thats for certain.
Thitz cuz theay dontz gotz a guud ejumucshun ad theay luvz the wutchtuber 2 mch.......................................LOL...OUTLAW
What a lot of nonsense.
oh brother...another stereotype
Josie~born-in who can spell and utilize a dictionary
PP..You are absolutley correct..I was raised in it..So were many others on this board......................OUTLAW