Have you noticed that JW's who've been "raised in the truth" are crappy spellers?

by gubberningbody 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • PrimateDave

    I was raised in the Truth TM , and I know how to spell properly, thank you very much. I am also familiar with the rules of grammar. I know how to type, too. I think you need to reconsider your point of view.

    If I am unsure of my spelling, I will use the Google search bar and the Firefox spelling checker. I still make mistakes from time to time, but who doesn't?


  • 1914BS

    love that - truth TM - umm how did you get the TM super script??

  • PrimateDave

    There is an "x 2 " in the reply formatting box. Just select the text you want to raise, and click on the superscript button.


  • 1914BS

    well i'll be darned

  • Hortensia

    I can spell and speak correctly in spite of having been raised in the organization. As an employer, I noticed that many young job applicants couldn't spell, and could barely put a sentence together. I was always appalled at the ignorance of the average high school graduate looking for a job.

  • gubberningbody

    All I have to say is "Israel", not "Isreal".

  • sweetface2233

    41% of 4th grade boys and 35% of fourth grade girls read below the basic level. In 8th grade, at a time when all students are expected to be able to acquire information through the reading of textbooks and other materials, 32% of boys and 19% of girls cannot read at the basic level. In 12th grade, 30% of boys and 17% of girls cannot read at the basic level.


    JWs made up 0.00357% of my 1995 graduating class. I was in Honors classes all through my high school career and graduated w/ a 3.85 grade point average. I am also currently in school to get my Accounting degree and tested into the Honors English program w/ a 98% in Reading Comprehension and a 97% in Writing Composition. (Those semi-colons get me every time!)

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    There is no need for an education when the end of this system of things is so close, in light of this we should therefore spend this time

    rather in the preaching work to make better use of the valuable time that is left.

  • Elsewhere

    YuP... i'Ve AlWaYs SuSkEd At SpElLiNg. ThE oNlY rEaSoN i SpElL wElL hEre Is BeCaUsE oF sPeLl ChEcK.

  • ziddina

    (Per MrsJones) "Josie~born-in who can spell and utilize a dictionary..."

    Are dictionaries approved reading for obedient Jehovah's Witnesses? Don't they contain many words that are potentially faith-destroying, like "apostate", "eschatological", "devious", "cult", "manipulate", and so on??? Zid

    (Geez, did I spell all of those correctly???)

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