Have you noticed that JW's who've been "raised in the truth" are crappy spellers?

by gubberningbody 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    Confucius, he say, "he who generalise, generally lies"



  • Masterji

    Just the opposite!


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I was "raised in the truth", and I've always been a very good speller. I won school spelling bees in elementary school and junior high. I think you're generalizing.

  • villabolo

    Compared to Worldlings?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Have you noticed that JW's who've been "raised in the truth" are crappy spellers?

    Then clearly you haven't read what some college and university students are churning out. In both I had students ask me to proof read their papers for spelling errors before they handed them in.

    OMG I could not believe that college and university students spelled so bad. When I registered for college I had to pass a reading comprehension and writing exam before they let me in. I had not finished high school and after 16 years out of school so they required the exam.

    I still can't figure out how kids can graduate from high school without learning to spell. It seems that spelling isn't even important anymore

    BTW spelling errors in my posts are due to my poor typing skills with 2 fingers. I am finally forcing myself to use the right shift key for caps instead of doing a left shift and cross-over for caps on that side of the keyboard. Thank goodness for Google's spell check on its toolbar

  • dinah

    I kin spellz. Y-manz Caturday thread tawt me good.

  • jookbeard

    I hold me hands up to that , I'd be fukced without me spell checker, remember the bullshit that if you spent many years just reading the Awake mag it was tantamount to getting a University degree? what bollox that was

  • dinah

    You spelled tantamount right, you slacker!!

  • beksbks


  • caliber

    If one suffers from dyslexia spelling can be one of the problems... there is such variation

    in dyslexia

    Boder developed a diagnostic screening tool for developmental dyslexia from which she divided into three subtypes:

    1. Dysphonetic- This is the largest of the three divisions. This is viewed as a disability in associating symbols with sounds. The misspellings typical of this disorder are phonetically inaccurate. The misreadings are substitutions based on small clues, and are also semantic.
    2. Dyseidetic- In this group there are deficits in vision and memory of letters and word shapes. The person is unable to develop a sight vocabulary. However they have the ability to acquire adequate phonetic skills.
    3. Alexic or mixed dyseidetic and dysphonetic- This subtypecombines the deficit of the first two groups. This person may have disability in both sight vocabulary and phonetic skills. People with this form of dyslexia are usually unable to read or spell.


    Confucius, he say, "he who generalise, generally lies"

    This is very humorous and true all at the same time !!...tee hee hee

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