Dearest Watchtower Guys,
My neighbour says you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. Then he threw cat crap in my yard from my cat.
How can I love thy neighbour when he's a really really bad man? I asked him to be my brother again, and he spat on me.
Brother Castrated
Dear Castrated Gentile
It is always disturbing to us when we read of an unbeliever making false accusations. If he says you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, we suggest turning the other cheek.
If he knows what to do with the other cheek, he was likely a bethel elder. We don't suggest spitting back in this case.
Remember, to love those hating you is a Christian requirement, unless they use to be JW's. Then we can hate the shit out of them, with all the used kitty litter we can throw at em!