Name Things JWs Believe That Are Not Actually Biblically Provable

by minimus 231 Replies latest jw friends

  • isaacaustin

    androb31...very nice. Thanks for pointing that out. The Wt did this all. Amazing how so many of their articles are written like that..and if you change the noun you see their warped logic in allowing some things and disallowing others.

  • Chalam

    Hi designs,

    I think the JWs fail on many accounts but here is a good test.

    Romans 10:9 (New International Version)

    9 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

    1. They say Jehovah is Lord, see Acts 2 etc. Neither do not consider Jesus Lord deed i.e their actions. 2. They do not believe in their heart that God raised Jesus from the dead as the scripture says but say He was raised as a "spirit creature". This is directly against the scripture and Jesus' words Himself.
    Luke 24:39 (English Standard Version)

    39 See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have."

    So that is enough for me. They fail this test on both accounts. Jesus will. If they want to take their chances and press on with their "religion" then they better be sure.
    Hebrews 9:27 (New International Version)

    27 Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment

    All the best, Stephen

  • isaacaustin

    hi isaac

    those who honour Jesus at what is now called Xmas (christmas no more) or yuletide are less and less,

    My reply: Irrelevant what others are doing. It is what the person is doing. Guilt by association does not work.

    it is reclaiming it's pagan roots and usage completely you can deny this to me but you cannot deny the truth of this world-wide.

    My reply: That's simply your opinion. I personally have never met someone intent on worshipping the sun god.

    It is too unclean a pagan celebration to put on Jesus and the fact is that it doesn't want Jesus on it anyway, it wants to be what it is!

    My reply: Again, baseless assertion by can be unclean...depending on the spirit and intent of the person observing it...for many it is not. The fact that many do not want Jesus in it is again, guilt by association on your part...generalizing all who observe.

    ... like easter wants to be about fertility and halloween about spirits they have become what they once were as christmas to has become so to.

    My reply: You can state that but it simply is not true.

    I do not blame humanity for it's sacred days of worship to it's own Gods and things but as a christian it is not part of my culture and I want to keep it that way.


    My reply: You were given that freedom by Paul...but also with the injunction against judging those who choose to observe. That is where the Wt fails miserably. The WT in its abstenance also takes on an arrogance of superior righteousness which put them on the same level as the relgious leaders of Jesus day

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    ISAAC: My reply to Reniaa: Logical fallacy again by you. And projecting the use of Santa to all who observe Christmas. Not all Christians celebrate Christmas with Santa...

    Very true, in Czech republic, there is no Santa, gifts are provided at Christmass to kids by "Baby Jesus". It sounds weird to most americans, but it is so... does it make Christmass more acceptable to Reniaa?


  • isaacaustin

    Alberteinstein, thanks....but I doubt it makes it acceptable to Reniaa...because the WT told her no.

  • designs

    Chalam, isaacaustin

    So how isn't your new religious view just as superstitious as your old with this God who holds people in a precarious balance.

    What Churches did you two join.


  • Chalam

    Hi designs,

    I am not into superstition, just heeding the bible :)

    I joined this church, there is only one

    Ephesians 3:6 (New International Version)

    6 This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.

    All the best,


  • isaacaustin

    I jioned a Baptist church. We beleive in Christian freedom and the use of conscience. We are not into superstition or precarious standings.

  • PrimateDave

    All this back and forth bickering about what the Bible is supposed to say and mean...

    Is it any wonder many of us throw this baby out with the bath water?

    Here are things JWs believe that aren't Biblically provable:

    1. JWs believe that the creative days weren't literally 24 hour days but periods of time measuring thousands of years. Golly! The writer wrote "day," so that is exactly what he meant. Don't tell me that in Gen 2:4b, the word "day" that is used by some translators shows that the previous use of the word in Gen 1 can mean an undefined period of time. Remember that chapter and verse divisions are arbitrary and don't always conform to the original textual divisions. The first creation account ends in Gen 2:4a. My JPS Tanakh splits this verse with a large paragraph break. The second creation account begins in Gen 2:4b, and it reads, "When the Lord God [YHWH] made earth and heaven..." This is not refering to the previous account. It is the start of an entirely different story as any Biblical scholar familiar with J, E, P, D, and R can tell you. The placement of the first and second creation accounts in their current positions was made by a post-exilic Redactor. The original writer of the Javist second account was unfamiliar with the contents of the Priestly first account. The writers literally meant what they wrote.

    2 JWs believe that the Earth is a sphere. JWs believe that the Earth revolves around the Sun and the Moon revolves around the Earth. JWs believe that stars are very distant objects that are similar to our Sun. JWs believe that God resides in "heaven," but are unable to give a precise location where that might be. However, the Bible clearly demonstrates that the Earth is a circle. The sky is an inverted dome on which the celestial objects are fixed and placed as "signs." God resides on top of this dome. "Inspiration" tells us that Nimrod once organized mankind to build a tower designed to reach God. God was not pleased with this, so he confused the languages of the workers so that they would leave off building this tower. God also used openings in this dome to allow the flood waters to enter and cover the Earth below. Noah knew that the flood waters had subsided when he let a dove go, and it never returned. Since there were no mates for the dove or even predators to kill and eat it, one wonders why the dove disappeared and why this was taken as a sign that it was safe to exit the ark?


  • Chalam

    Hi Dave,

    All this back and forth bickering about what the Bible is supposed to say and mean...

    Is it any wonder many of us throw this baby out with the bath water?

    Well surely you have seen enough of the WT lies which contradict the bible to see why we are arguing against what the WT teaches?! For those who leave the WT and still believe in God and the bible it is well worth seeking the truth and undoing the WT lies. All the best, Stephen

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