I'll be honest mickey the ones I least understand and approve of are those that are apparently active witnesses trying to get others out of the Jws by hook or by crook. In fact by any means possible but staying in themselves. Surely having friendships and mixing with Jws but despising them in their hearts. Do you sit at the kingdom Hall feeling self-satisfied and looking with scorn on those around you hating them in your heart but none of it showing on your face? I may sound harsh but I cannot imagine staying were I hate so much even if family members are involved in fact less so if family members are involved. If I hated it so much I would make a stand and show my thoughts openly and honestly whatever the cost so my family could see my disaproval.
Reniaa, I've said this to you before and I'll say it again: I do not hate Jehovah's Witnesses. I love many of them dearly, I've grown up with them, lived with them, worked with them and married them! My goal in reaching out to my husband has never been to get him to leave the witnesses. I just wanted him to see it for what it was, so that when I make the choice to leave, whether he comes with me on my journey out of the cult or not, he won't see my as a demon inspired apostate from hell.
I admire those who do as you suggest and "make a stand" so that people can see their disapproval. The problem is that when marriages and children are involved, it isn't always as simple as that. Additionally, when people are under mind control, their ability to reason on why their loved one has left is impeded. They are pre-programmed to think "they are leaving jehovah", "they've been tricked by Satan" or "they're sinful or weak". I appreciate you will find this aspect hard to acknowledge since you seem very uncomfortable with the fact that the WBTS employs mind control.
Personally I think the moral values of the witnesses is something to value in a world suffering from moral turpitude. And churches following suit maybe the real difference here is between people who believe the Bible is God's Word and those who think it is God's Guide.
If you think that the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, then how can you justify reinterpreting the Bible to fit in with current culture? That is like saying we'll change our teachings to 'fit in' with Satan's world! and witnesses are evil because they try and keep a strict moral bible line. Reniaa
Many people besides JWs follow a biblical moral code, some of them do it much better than the witnesses manage as a group!
I don't hold the world view you do (us versus them, good versus evil), incidentally it's another marker of a cult.
Please please please please please do some research on cult mind control.