i have read all these posts. i know the congregation you speak of and the elders. i was a jw there most of my life.
the advice i can give you is GET OUT! ,you are damaging your kids, you must not destroy theyre lives in that god forsaken religion,nor yours.
i left 15 years ago and am now free of the guilt,i used to miss my friends but found new ones,and now i find many of my formeer jw friends are out of the organisation themselves and we now talk as true frinds should.
find a hobby that you want and put yourself into that, it will occupy your mind and hopefully get you meeting normal people.
if you leave your spouse will eventually follow,they love you .
i have fealt the whip of the elders,so much for their hoopoo gramos , setting streight gently as setting a broken bone, ime sure one elder loved the sexy confessions( Br Few) and John Hall hated immorality so much because of his own fight with homosexuality.
please get out,dont fade. you owe it to your kids and yourself,you have the choice they dont,and by the time they are old enough their minds destroyed with fear and guilt.
fancy a meet up some time?