EPA supresses study skeptical of global warming.

by BurnTheShips 79 Replies latest members politics

  • BurnTheShips
  • Caedes

    Carlin has an undergraduate degree in physics from CalTech and a PhD in economics from MIT.

    So that would be a "study" from someone who isn't a scientist?

  • drwtsn32
    So that would be a "study" from someone who isn't a scientist?

    Definitely not a climatologist, that's for sure.

    I hate how politicized this issue is. The biases on both sides make it difficult to get to the real truth.

  • SixofNine
    " The biases on both sides make it difficult to get to the real truth."

    I guess you could say that about almost any any issue. The side with the truth has complete legitimacy to it's bias however.

  • besty

    Climate change deniers provide a similiar function to JW apologists such as RNIA and SCLR

    They vainly attempt to support a long debunked position held only by those ignoring the overwhelming evidence. Why? They have an theological or ideological construct that cannot be perturbed by the facts.

    'celebrated scholars' - we salute you in your ongoing efforts to let others see the truth :-))))))))

  • JeffT

    Climate change believers provide a similiar function to JW apologists such as RNIA and SCLR

    They vainly attempt to support a popular and deeply held belief only by ignoring any evidence they disagree with. Why? They have a theological or ideological construct that cannot be perturbed by the facts.

    'celebrated scholars' - we salute you in your ongoing efforts to let others see the truth :-))))))))

  • read good books
  • "The 'science' underpinning climate alarmism is all funded by today's increasingly totalitarian political institutions - the UK and EU being the typical cases - for the express purpose of giving them arguments to further extend the control of the state over society.
    The IPCC's climate change 'science' is thus no more objective than the tobacco companies' 'science' on smoking and cancer. In both cases, 'scientists' are selected and funded on the basis of how closely their views match those of their paymasters. "

  • Have fun paying your hundreds of new Global Carbon Taxes.

  • besty

    ok shakespeare - how many ppm of atmospheric CO2 would you set as a maximum upper limit?

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Proof positve folks...what I've been posting for years....Global Warming is rubbish! Lies! It's a natural up-down cycle.....11 years of cooler temps! Hello! People, this is the new CULT! Don't be fooled.

  • BurnTheShips
    ok shakespeare - how many ppm of atmospheric CO2 would you set as a maximum upper limit?

    Changes in carbon dioxide during the Phanerozoic (the last 542 million years). The recent period is located on the left-hand side of the plot, and it appears that much of the last 550 million years has experienced carbon dioxide concentrations significantly higher than the present day.

    Why don't you tell me, Besty? BTS

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