In the absence of RGB aka Shakespeare answering my simple question - what ppm of atmospheric CO2 he proposes as an upper limit - I'll quickly set the record straight on why this 'study' was 'suppressed'.
Firstly this 'study' was in the form of 'comments on a draft document' - it was not originated by the so-called author as a standalone piece but rather as comments on the official EPA document.
I say so-called author as massive swathes of his comments are lifted cut and paste from the blogosphere, from long debunked denier websites, astrologers - Theodor Landscheidt who believes the rise of Hitler and Stalin were predicted by sunspot cycles - and the occasional climate scientist who is on the periphery of mainstream scientific opinion.
From - written by real climate scientists with reference to the 'suppresed comments':
They don’t even notice the contradictions in their own cites. For instance, they show a figure that demonstrates that galactic cosmic ray and solar trends are non-existent from 1957 on, and yet cheerfully quote Scafetta and West who claim that almost all of the recent trend is solar driven! They claim that climate sensitivity is very small while failing to realise that this implies that solar variability can’t have any effect either. They claim that GCM simulations produced trends over the twentieth century of 1.6 to 3.74ºC - which is simply (and bizarrely) wrong (though with all due respect, that one seems to come directly from Mr. Gregory). Even more curious, Carlin appears to be a big fan of geo-engineering , but how this squares with his apparent belief that we know nothing about what drives climate, is puzzling. A sine qua non of geo-engineering is that we need models to be able to predict what is likely to happen, and if you think they are all wrong, how could you have any faith that you could effectively manage a geo-engineering approach?
Finally, they end up with the oddest claim in the submission: That because human welfare has increased over the twentieth century at a time when CO2 was increasing, this somehow implies that no amount of CO2 increases can ever cause a danger to human society . This is just boneheadly stupid.
Sorry guys - when plagiarized idiotic denier disinformation fails to make the grade into an official government report, that ain't called suppresion - that's called tax dollars well spent.