What I meant was that there is a serious question over whether we can actually measure season by season global temperatures of a mass as great as the Earth atmosphere by the limited observations which are possible through current technology.
Can you can supply primary source peer reviewed research which supports this 'serious question'?
I would say you are either uneducated on the subject or are being disengenous. NASA GISS and the CRU both have extensive global suraface temperature records going back 150 years. Additionally there is satellite data, radiosondes data, borehole analysis, glacial melt observations, sea ice melt, sea level rise, proxy reconstructions of paleoclimate, and permafrost melt statistics. I am happy to support all these methods with more data if you wish. The data is unequivocal - the planet is warming.
In the absence of the research I have asked you to provide I would offer that you are making a classic denier response of 'we don't have enough data yet' - same as the tobacco apologists did 20 years ago.
Even if those limited observation indicate a pattern of recent cooling
Sorry JWoods - is it 'recent' or is it a 'pattern'? Pointing out that temperatures have recently receded from an all time high is a classic denier cherry-pick. How can you look at the graph above and say that the recent cooling is any way indicative of the long term trend?
This is about taxing the American public in an extreme manner such as never seen before an nothing else.
Excuse me - the USA has just recently engaged in the global (as in a real World Series that includes other countries) effort to stop the planet heating up. How can you say with a straight face that thousands of scientists and government officials from hundreds of countries have been engaged in a decades long conspiracy to tax Americans? That doesn't even make sense. Of course BP and Shell, two of the worlds biggest oil companies have also joined the global conspiracy to con the American taxpayers. On climate change they say, and I quote:
"There is an increasing consensus that climate change is linked to the consumption of carbon based fuels and that action is required now to avoid further increases in carbon emissions as the global demand for energy increases."
"Shell shares the widespread concern that the emission of greenhouse gases from human activities is leading to changes in the global climate."
So scientists first, the public second, politicians third and grudgingly last Big Oil concur that burning thousands of millions of tons of fossil fuels may not be a good idea for the climate. Exactly who is on the conspiracy theory side of this argument? Oh yes - the usual suspects crackpot deniers either taking backhanders from Big Oil or those with an ideological position that doesn't allow for government intervention.
No global CO2 levels will be reduced.
Exactly what are you basing this statement on? What are your credentials for being so dogmatic in opposition to mainstream climate science?
It is just a massive tax (and the beneficiaries are people like Al Gore, who is making millions of this)
Thousands of scientists in agreement about the causes of climate change - with many of them having dedicated their entire lives work to investigating the cause of what they observe - to make Al Gore rich? What a shameful and disgustingly crass slap in the face you offer to these men and women. I hope you have a think about what you are saying. What have you offered to the advancement of knowledge on this planet? What is your legacy JWoods?
Perhaps you can answer a few questions for me - in addition to those posed above:
1 - What in your opinion is the safe upper limit for atmosperhic CO2?
2 - Is climate change primarily a matter for climate scientists or politicians?
EDIT - I also note you haven't retracted your inaccurate Obama quote on lightbulbs and energy consumption. Like most deniers you spread your halftruths on the internet and leave them to fester like toxic waste. It's not about winning the argument for people like you, just confusing everyone else with your worthless graffiti.