Regarding Quoting Scriptures All the Time

by AllTimeJeff 72 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Yeah, and the Bible warns that there will be dangerous people, just like you, that deny the Word of Gawd and doubt the return of Christ... very soon now.

    It's all carefully crafted over thousands of years to appeal, ensnare, and control.

    B the X

  • mrsjones5

    Mraimondi, your sorry ass attempt at sarcasm is awesome too!! Keep it up!


  • OnTheWayOut

    The Bible is similar to the wisdom of men. You can always find something that seems appropriate to a situation.
    But you are allowed to go anyway you want.

    Without getting too deep (and using a non-Biblical example)- if a person is trying to make a decision, he can use the quotes:
    He who hesitates is lost. Opportunity only knocks once.
    These tell the person that he needs to hurry up and make a decision.

    But he may also use these quotes:
    Patience is a virtue. All good things come to those who wait.
    These tell the person the opposite.

    So, using the Bible will turn out the same. What quote, why that quote? Are you thinking for yourself when you pick a scripture to answer your dilema? The Bible is similar to worldly wisdom- all sides are covered. It's similar to actual wisdom in that many things are good for you to follow, but it's hard to know which things.

  • AllTimeJeff

    OTWO said

    So, using the Bible will turn out the same. What quote, why that quote? Are you thinking for yourself when you pick a scripture to answer your dilema? The Bible is similar to worldly wisdom- all sides are covered. It's similar to actual wisdom in that many things are good for you to follow, but it's hard to know which things.

    I'll bow to that.

  • neverendingjourney
    The Bible is similar to worldly wisdom- all sides are covered.

    If someone harms you:

    1. Seek retribution because God demands an "eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot" --Exodus 21:24

    2. Do not seek retribution because Jesus said "but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him." --Matthew 5:39

  • Yizuman

    mock me for my reading the bible over TWENTY (20) TIMES

    20 times? That's it?


  • AllTimeJeff
    20 times? That's it?

    Well, I have to admit, the last 5 or 6 times, I sort of knew what was coming....

    Every year, once around. Ironically, when I had the Gilead assignment to read it all the way through in 4 months, I didn't. I tried, but was just too busy....

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    How many of those 20 times were you under the same influence as reniaa?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I've read it a few times [maybe 8 or 10] as a Jw. I loved reading it. I occasionally [admittedly very occasionally] pick it up and read a little now.

    I don't hate the Bible - I just find little evidence that it is more than the word of men.

    Here's a non-Biblical quote [also the word of men, but I accept it on that basis not some supposed inspiration], perhaps to live by:

    Believe nothing on the faith of traditions, even though they have been held in honor for many generations and in diverse places. Do not believe a thing because many people speak of it. Do not believe on the faith of the sages of the past. Do not believe what you yourself have imagined, believing that a God inspires you. Believe nothing on the sole authority of your masters and priests. After examination, believe what you yourself have tested and found reasonable, and conform your conduct thereto.


  • WuzLovesDubs

    I love Mrs. Jones...she is one kick ass beeatch.

    Life lesson: dont MESS with The Jones.

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