Could Watchtower Collapse Be Sooner Than You Think?

by metatron 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • jookbeard

    Shame Spikie couldn't go back 30 odd years and see how Jehoobah's plans were being unfolded back then

  • frankiespeakin

    Well the WT board of advisors should look up a detailed history of what happens to end of the world cults and then copy the one that gives the best out come. I think in the very least some big changes are in the making.

  • joelingeorgia

    i think their assets will keep them going for quite a while. who knows how many billions they have in offshore accounts.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    the best outcome is in the works, Jehovah's way

  • WontLeave

    I know I'm late to the party on this one (sorry, I'm new here). But, with a year of evidence under our belts, we can see what the lousy economy has done to the Society: Not a whole lot.

    The majority of growth has been in 3rd-world countries for a while now. For as long as I can remember, the JWs has primarily been the religion of choice for poor, stupid, uneducated people who needed to feel like they belonged to some small, elite group. Fundamentalism in all religions draws these types; the more extremist it is, the more desperate, idiots, and crazies accumulate.

    The bread and butter for the Society has, for years, been old ignorant people. Retirees aren't always as affected by economic fluctuations, as their earning years are over. People from past generations that believed all sorts of wives tales and superstitions have been instilled with terror of education, learning, and the Internet. Technophobic octogenarians with delusions of exclusive salvation will continue throwing their pension checks and estates at the Society.

    The increase in membership in South American and Asian villages will bolster the idea of a "speeding up", but those people don't have any money. They're a loss leader to incite old people to throw more money at the Society for their "underprivileged brothers and sisters" who need Kingdom Halls and literature. They'll estimate the need for cash based on what it takes to build a Hall in the US or UK meanwhile, the Society will have local free labor hewing trees and stone from the jungle and pocketing the difference. I'm sure we've all heard the perceived value of the literature, based on "comparable" publications' cover prices. Most people don't realize just how cheap a paperback book or 32-page magazine/brochure is to make, especially in the quantity the Society prints and with virtually free labor.

    The elders are becoming more and more hard-line, teetering on (if not leaping into) idolatry of the currently 8 men in NY, demanding the congregations show the same worshipful attitude. There will always be an endless supply of losers in cheap polyester suits on a power trip who crave having their egos stroked at the expense of people with more education, Bible knowledge, character, and intelligence. This will filter out the thinking, rational people who are very reserved about throwing their hard-earned money at an organization that is becoming more and more like the Pharisees every day. This will eliminate that drain on resources who aren't "in for a pound".

    The interim year has provided Watchtower articles that indicate an increasing messiah complex among the Governing Body and the new song book is riddled with idolatrous lines that I can't bring myself to sing or else I'll throw up in my mouth. The lunging for more power and authority is an obvious ploy to get the ones who the Society knows are their real power/money base motivated to open up their wallets and purses even farther to support their christ-men in Brooklyn. They don't care if that pushes a bunch of "fringe" elements out, as those people weren't the ones they needed, anyway. Even the new "brazen conduct" jargon is an obvious way to oust those who aren't perceived as towing the party line enough.

    There was a time before the corruption of Judaism culminating at Jesus' earthly existence and there was a time after it. I believe history is repeating itself and there will be a time after this current power structure. I'm struggling not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. I believe THIS attack from within is the beginning of the pangs of distress, is a cooling off of the love, and will lead to the Great Tribulation. Prophets and followers of God have always been attacked by their so-called brothers. This will be the last time, though. Jesus is coming and he's going to be mad.

  • hamsterbait

    They survived the post 1914 disconfirmation, and the mass exodus of 1926 -27.

    Mind you rutherford was a lot cleverer than the present Gibbering Buddy, whose ignorance becomes more profound along with the intellectual torpor.

    The Plymouth Brethren are still gasping along, as are the Adventists.


  • Sayswho

    'WontLeave' This is assuming JW's are the chosen ones...


  • Gregor

    It will go with a whimper, not a bang. Many of the above observations could be intrepeted that the whimper has begun.

    When manufacturers see shrinking sales they bring out a new, better version.

    Not so easy with a publishing company whose only product is a religion that claims to be the TRUTH. They have been trying tune it for years but it is such a narrow cult dogma it is difficult.

  • Listener

    I actually think that a big expansion is in the making myself. The drama this year focused on parents helping their youth with interactive family studies, get-togethers, etc. If the congos actually apply all that, the real love will come, and many, many will be attracted. The dates don't seem so important now, which is a big plus. And the "Keep Yourself in God's Love" book being used in the Bible Study mid-week meeting is helping us to think and reason things out for ourselves regarding conscience matters.

    Spike this is really such good news, it means they are finally heading in the right direction.

  • metatron

    Yah, and das 'Wunder Weapons' will win the war for das Watchtower Reich. Der Tag is at Hand.

    What's happened in a year? Branch Offices are dropping like flies as more Bethelites get dumped and costs get cut.

    Family Studies? Yeah, Witness Kids really love the Truth now and are eagerly giving up internet porn and video games. It's s-o effective...

    The GB is nearly demanding direct worship in Watchtower pages and you think things are changing, huh?

    And Elders? Why Witness men are just so eager to reach out! The Watchtower hardly has to plead and beg at all.

    Here's the cold reality: The world is racing away in rapid change and the old, deluded men at cult headquarters keep making microscopic changes in response while avoiding any exposure to themselves or others that it is all becoming a facade.

    I wonder what happens to a cult when its business model fails?


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