Regarding ancient Babylon:
The waters were diverted, the gates inadvertently left open, the enemy entered undetected ...
I hope my "facts" are correct!
by metatron 122 Replies latest jw friends
Regarding ancient Babylon:
The waters were diverted, the gates inadvertently left open, the enemy entered undetected ...
I hope my "facts" are correct!
My experience teaches me that only the good die young, that stupid people never die (unless they smoke a lot) and idiots rule the world.
This leads me to believe that JW's will be around for a while....
Yes, Jeff, I agree that there are plenty of idiots around running things but they have a strong tendency to destroy businesses!
To properly analyze this subject, we need to keep in mind that we're dealing with two interrelated yet separate issues:
1. The financial well-being of the WTBTS, and
2. The rank-and-file's loyalty towards WT leadership
Even if we were able to prove the WT's financial woes with something more than anecdotal evidence, it wouldn't show that the rank-and-file JWs have lost the faith. So long as the R&F continue to believe in the concept of "Jehovah's organization" and remain loyal to the GB, the religion's money problems are virtually meaningless. The WT can continue to scale back on literature production, sell real estate, and lay off Bethelites in order to put their financial house in order. While money problems may be indicative of a slow decline, I don't think it signals a future collapse.
In my view, a rapid collapse of the religion will only come about through one of two ways (1) a schism at the very highest levels of the religion (i.e., several GB members defect to start their own religion), or (2) a grassroots reform movement from the inside. Both of these scenarios are highly unlikely.
Money problems virtually meaningless? You need to take the trend to the next level.
Most people who come to this board seem to stick to the unlikely notion that the organization's demise will be because of an uprising by Witnesses who suddenly awaken to the reality of being deceived. That's not going to happen! As I have often said "You could have the Governing Body sodomize young boys on a parade float being towed down Broadway at high noon and the average Witless will simply say 'Well, it's still the 'Truth'". Witnesses rebel en-masse? Nope........, not, at least, as the primary thrust....
That's not how this story will end. This may seem utterly unbelieveable to some but the End of the Watchtower will come from the leaders, no different from the collapse of Communism. It is the leaders who
lose faith, not the deceived, idiot followers. It is they who dumped a 120 year tradition of subscriptions, the tradition of food service at assemblies...... they cut the Awake, they cut the Watchtower, they laid off Bethelites, they shut down printing equipment, they denied loans to needy congregations, need I go on?
At some point, the publishers don't even matter to them. They would rather retire to a sauna with a drink in their hand and privately say "Screw 'em". Are you hearing stories about selling off Kingdom Halls out from under publishers? What does that tell you?
Perhaps someone could tell me what is the point of being a Grand Poohbah, Master of Time And Space Governing Body member if you rule over a collective of passive-aggressive morons who won't open their wallets! Guess what? They are a bother and you don't need them!
Welcome to the Theocratic 'Cheese' Shop. Sorry, we're all out of magazines.............the cat's gotten the books...........we're fresh out of C.O.'s
metatron are a roof top dweller.
You have a long distance vision and I think you see most clearly.
The infrastructure has crumbled; the trickle down has started.
It won't be long now.....
Could Watchtower Collapse Be Sooner Than We Think?
If I were asked 10 years ago if the United States would have a black president soon, I would doubt it and say no.
If I were asked today if the Chicago Cubs will win a World Series soon, I would say no, but who really knows what crazy things the gods might do with American baseball?
Think of all the big corporations that are gone. One that comes to mind was the scandalous Enron, similar to WTS in its phony offering to the world.
WTS is also a dinosaur in the corporate world, slow to change. Dinosaurs are eventually extinct- Montgomery Wards, Fotomat. Newspapers and other print media are dying off.
Also, look at places like Circuit City, they let go the sales people at the stores with experience, leaving inexperienced help, from what I have read, that is similar to what has happened at Bethel.....
The demise of the Watchtower Printing and Propaganda Corporation is a composite of many things, all self-inflicted and all due to their own sense of self-importance in narcissistic vanity.
Their track record of fulfilled predictions over 130 years is a whopping zero percent. Didn't they think anyone might notice that sticky little fact?
Their hypocrisy of building huge moments to their own glory (like Patterson) while at the same time encouraging everyone else to shed their money and possessions because they would soon not be monumental. Didn't they think anyone might notice that sticky little fact?
Their deliberate choice to allow their doctrines to remain and continue to develop doctrines that are 50 to 100 years behind medical science is tragic and abysmal. Even after it was proven that vaccinations were not "filthy animal pus" (as they claimed), even after it was proven that organ transplants were not "cannibalism" (as they claimed), even after it was proven that blood is not an "organ" (as they claimed), and even after it was proven that the heart is NOT an organ of emotion (as they claimed), they enforce compliance to their idiotic doctrines. ALL of these claims were debunked by medical science BEFORE the WTS created their idiotic doctrines over them Didn't they think anyone might notice that sticky little fact?
Congregations are a cesspool off corruption, prescription drug-addiction, back-stabbing, social climbing, ass-kissing, cover-ups and abuse of rank and file publishers, yet the WTS claims they are a "spiritual paradise." Did they think that their followers couldn't see the huge lie in that claim?
"This generation" turned out not to be this generation as in THIS generation, but a "generation" of perhaps continuing for hundreds or more years into the future. Did they think no one would notice when they pulled that rug out from under folks who had believe their prior claims for 80 prior years?
Russell claimed that when Jehovah would stop providing the money to carry on the world of his pet cult, it was time to give up.
"Jehovah" has spoken. "Get out of her, my people!"
"A new...truth does not triumph by convincing the opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. ' - Max Planck
Well stated Farkel, and great to see your post!!!