Hypothetically, If Someone Created a Fake Congregation to Trick Another...

by OnTheWayOut 113 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sir82
    The Jw's are paranoid when they say apostaes are always trying to get people out of the Jws

    Hmm, I thought the whole thread wa devoted to getting someone back into the JWs?

  • Priest73


    You are by far the most successful troll todate on JWN... Kudos on the troll farkle. well done! (but take a break)

  • AllTimeJeff

    Reinna, you are as cynical as the GB then if you believe your own BS. If you have ever been harrassed by elders, told not to assoiciate with your Mon, Dad, Children, Grandparents, or other friends because an elder tells you not too, then you understand.

    Reinna, the doubting, inactive, apostate associating JW who comes on here in disobedience to the GB in so many ways has the nuts to say that people here with real problems are paranoid?

    Reinna, according to the GB, you are as dead as we are. Don't sit there all smug and superior and INSULT people who have been damaged by this cult. You want to troll on dogma subjects, thats fine, BUT DON'T TAKE A PISS ON THE PEOPLE HERE.

  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa said:

    Hmmmm how many times People on this forum said words to the effect...

    "we are just an ex-witness forum trying to help and support people coming out of Jw's. The Jw's are paranoid when they say apostates are always trying to get people out of the Jws and use trickery and lies to create situations agaiinst the Jws!"

    In view of what this thread is trying to achieve I think the Jws have been entirely accurate in their assessment of apostates, the proof is here for everyone to read.


    My reply: I agree Reniaa that JWs are very paranoid about former members. This is fed by the WT...due to their precarious 'truth'. Conversing with fre-thinking individuals no longer captive to the cult is dangerous to the captive's beleif in the WT being of God. The hoops one must go thru to be able to talk to their captive relatives/friends is proof that the WT is a cult.

  • reniaa

    Hi AlltimeJeff

    This thread we are on is nothing about comforting people, it's about deliberate trickery and lies and your justifying them.


  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa, you do realize you are an apostate, right? Calling yourself proJW does nothing to change that. It simply makes you a liar, according to WT. You claim to be an supporter of "Jehovah's visible org" yet by your actions repudiate its teaching, such as association with apostates.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    how can reproving be called association?

  • isaacaustin

    it involves speaking and conversing with spike. Numerous, numerous WT have counseled not to speak with apostates of the WT, even online.

  • winstonchurchill

    it's about deliberate trickery and lies and your justifying them.

    Yep, you got THAT right; after years of training from the WTS, that's the way to go. Like they say "You can take the man out of the WTS, but you can't take the WTS out fo the man".

    We learned form the best at "deliberate trickery and lies and [...] justifying them."

  • AllTimeJeff
    This thread we are on is nothing about comforting people, it's about deliberate trickery and lies and your justifying them.

    Yeah, being a JW tends to take the focus off comforting people. My mistake.

    So, the Governing Body can trick people into getting baptized by lying about their own dates and chronology, indoctrinate them and poison them against their own family and calling such actions biblical, but a JW who sees they have been tricked and trapped into a cult can't play the GB's own game?

    This thread is part fantasy, and I think that while technically possible, its obviously not a good idea to try it. (re: sending info to a fake congregation) Having said that, you show ZERO empathy, sympathy, human decency where former JW's are concerned.

    Former JW's by and large leave (esp faders) because of the game that JW's force them to play. If they are disfellowshipped and they have family members in, they can't ever talk to them again. And you wonder why "apostates" claim that JW's break up families? What choice do they have other then to fade? I personally didn't do it, and it took me a while to REALLY understand it, but I get it.

    I have little in common with most of the ex JW's on this forum. How could I? We are all different for one thing, and I was a dyed in the wool loyal borgbot for a long time. But I know, esp as a former elder and missionary, that almost every experience, every sad story, every broken home and destroyed marriage, every suicidal thought expressed here is true. It isn't paranoid.

    This forum is about people first and foremost. I myself am not looking for agreement. The existence of this website doesn't consititute proof of anything JW's claim regarding thosed that leave. There is no organized cabal against JW's. The one bond "we" have in common is a powerful one. Only a former JW can truly understand what its like to be a JW, with all the lies and head f*cks that one goes through while in.

    I myself am limited in what I can do to inform the public as to the real truth behind JW's, but I respect those that do dedicate what they can to that endeavor. I do what I can when I have the time.

    Reinna, I don't think you are who you claim you are, not that it matters, and not that you care. But you are a walking contradiction, someone who will troll on threads here simply to say we "apostates" are being unfair to JW's, while you sit here yourself and say that you are inactive, have doubts, and Jehovah/GB forbid, associate with apostates, when the GB specifically says to leave us alone.

    You are here for whatever mental reasons bring you here. To that I say, you are a sad excuse for a human being. I have more respect for JW's who because of being indoctrinated and tricked by the GB, wouldn't spit in my direction then I do for you. You are a question dodging, controversy starting troll who pushes buttons.

    I don't agree with everyone here, but I always come here for the people when I can. I don't have any control over anyone, nor do you, but their JW experience should be respected and honored. You are a fake. And you aren't even a very good one at that.

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