If The Bible Is The Word Of God...

by XJW4EVR 210 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atomahawk

    Some evidence that it came from a supernatural source, of course.

    Thats a good one.

    1) The periodic table would have been nice to have. The ancient writers would have been confused, but who cares, they got the miracles.

    2) A crude picture of a DNA strand.

    3) The exact distance from the center of the earth to the center of the moon on a precise day. margin of error +/- 1/4 mile

    I'm certain if it came from god he could have chosen thousands of ways to offer irrefutable proof of authorship. Since it never came from him it's just another historical telling of the life and times of certain ancient peoples. Throw in some scare tactics a few questionable prophecies a miracle here and their and what do you have? A very very very long read. Like I always say if it takes you 100 words to say something that only requires 10 then your either handicapped or your trying to hide something.

  • passwordprotected

    If the Bible is the word of God I would find out that this Universe and Mankind had the misfortune of being created by a psychotic psychopath.

    How's Rick doing these days?

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I would expect that it would help me to lead a more satisfying life, which it does

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    yes the bible is the word of God despite misuse by man.


    Well if Spikeniaa says so then it must be true!

    leavingwt - I find those tie instructions pretty confusing! try to follow them step by step, they make no sense.

  • PSacramento

    The Bible may have the word of God in it, but it was written by man and many things were written to justify what Man did, supposedly, in God's name.

    Hence we get contridictions in the bible, an all loving God that destroys innocent children for example.

    We have all seen the atrocities that are commited in God's name in our current time and have hsitorical record showing what was done in the past, we aslo know that all of that has ZERO to do with God and everything to do with Men and their ambition, hatred and greed.

    There is no reason not to believe that things were any different in "biblical times" and the atrocites commited in "god's name" were done for the same reasons they are donw now and God was used as the exuces then, just as now.

    To know God and Jesus we must focus on the spirituality of the bible, not the "history".

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    If The Bible Is The Word Of God... then Let God be found true, despite all the claims to the contrary!!!!!!!!

  • BurnTheShips

    As far as I am concerned, the Bible is the inerrant word of God. The interpreters thereof however, are often very errant.


  • OnTheWayOut
    To know God and Jesus we must focus on the spirituality of the bible, not the "history".

    This is the new way to phase out the Bible. If science and archaeology and historians "attack" the Bible, then believers are offended and launch a counter-attack.

    So I have seen documentaries and read passages in books that talk of the "lessons" and "morality" taught in the Bible, they talk of the encouragement to captives of Babylon that a (bogus) story of captives to Egypt provides. They say that the 10 tribes and the 2 tribes had a bond that was written about even if the stories are not accurate.

    This is so political. The Bible is on the way out.

  • BurnTheShips
    This is the new way to phase out the Bible.

    No it is not, it is extremely ancient.

    This is so political. The Bible is on the way out.

    The Bible is not going out. It is the most influential text in the world, and it will still be extremely influential many generations after you have gone OnTheWayOut.


  • PSacramento

    On the way out,

    While some historical events in the bible can be verified and some are part of secualr history, others are mcuh debated in terms of how one shoudl interpret them.

    It doesn't really make the bible obsolete as much as something that must be viewed with a critical eye and there is nothing worng with that.

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