...... and the daughter is doing the right thing by shunning him because he is obviously possessed by demons (even though they forgot to make sure his gun worked).
Germany, Octogenerian enters KH with Machine Gun
by skeeter1 67 Replies latest jw friends
The fact the man blames the borg for the rift with his daughter must make for a good witness.
I do not condone this man's actions.
However, this incident will give countries who are increasingly wary of the Jehovah's Witnesses shunning policies (Canada, Germany, France, Russia, Bulgaria) more to consider when building their arguments that the WTS rips aparts families. Government's role is to protect its people. Part of the protection is to try to keep families together, for the rearing and support of the country's future citizens. Families are the ultimate support group, and who we naturally run to when a calamity strikes. Govvernments recognize this and seek to protect the family foundation. Shunning of family breaks apart families, and governments do not like this.
I thought there was gun control in Germany. How did he get the gun?
"But before he could leave the scene, two of the congregation members overcame the man from behind."
I'm surprised that the elders had time to call the Society's legal department to ask for directions. Isn't that what they are supposed to do whenever anyone poses a serious danger to the congregation's safety?
Though the man was driven to this state by the WTS policies, to try and take it out on the ones coming to the meeting is wrong.
Glad that nobody was hurt. Maybe this man can make the news about the reason for his action so that the meda can publish it. Then the world would know what negative effect the WTS can have on one.
I'm glad he was stopped. But the WT's stand on DFing is not working there are bound to be these repercussion as some unable fight the strong hold the WT has on ones family may in desperation threaten and even carry out violence in the shear hopelessness of the situation.
I think of what kind of effect this is going to have on witnessing work in that country, this should make for a very unreceptive householder with this in the news.
I wounder how people in other countries than the USA, feel about an American religion breaking up families in somebody else's country. We know the US is not too popular these days around the world,, I'm just saying that too has to have an effect on how the WT religion is viewed in general population in other countries.
I'm sure the WT hates getting public attention such as this,, as it makes them out so obviously be a cult to the general public eye.
News organization oughta have a field day when this come to trial.