"Remember, nobody can REALLY love you unless they know and love Jehovah first."

by AllTimeJeff 148 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    An additional point from the drama was the fact that David's friend Al was also a JW. I think they said he was baptized. But he was "bad association"! Why? Obviously because he didn't "know and love Jehovah". He knew all the dub stuff but worked around it. And he boldly pointed out the truism that the JWs have been saying the "end is soon" for years, our whole lives! This is, of course, a departure from Jesus' parable. There was no "Bad Association Al" in the parable of the prodigal son. I got the feeling from that propogandrama that besides unbelievers, fellow dubs are not to be trusted... unless they're superdubs. I think there was two references to the parents having "friends over", they were like missionaries or need-greaters... no extended family or friends, just superdubs were worthy associates.

    So, what can we learn from this? Only those who have been missionaries or bethelites can REALLY love!

    If anyone claims to know and love Jehovah, yet has proven false by not being dedicated and baptized, are they capable of even discussing REAL love? Or if such one is disobedient to the direction of the "faithful and discreet slave" class by associating with known "apostates", (s)he obviously doesn't know and love Jehovah and is incapable of REALLY, REALLY loving with divinely approved loverly love.

    Of course, Spike has already appealed to Simon as a higher authority than Jehovah on the matter of posting here. I dunno Jeff, can we agree with Spike that Simon has shown greater love than Jehovah has? I think Spike has made his point on the greater love of Simon! Simon does some good work... but I'm not gonna worship Simon or send Simon money or anything.

    B the X

  • AllTimeJeff
    Of course, Spike has already appealed to Simon as a higher authority than Jehovah on the matter of posting here. I dunno Jeff, can we agree with Spike that Simon has shown greater love than Jehovah has? I think Spike has made his point on the greater love of Simon! Simon does some good work... but I'm not gonna worship Simon or send Simon money or anything.

    LOL! No, that would be Simony! Clearly, that is not a good thing according to Acts.....

  • AllTimeJeff
    A couple of years after we exited, my wife and I were having a discussion along the lines of your original post, about the WT view of "love" and what we now thought about it. As we talked, she said that she loved me more now than she ever did when we were JWs. Which was startling because we'd been married for the better part of four decades and I always thought we were soul mates. She told me when we were dubs, she had to love me, it was required. But now, she was free to make a choice. And her choice was to love me.

    This brought a tear to my eye. I am happy for you.....

  • BabaYaga

    WillyLoman said:

    she said that she loved me more now than she ever did when we were JWs. Which was startling because we'd been married for the better part of four decades and I always thought we were soul mates. She told me when we were dubs, she had to love me, it was required. But now, she was free to make a choice. And her choice was to love me.

    Willy, that is one of the most beautiful things I ever read. I'm so happy for the both of you.




    You are a lucky man..


  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    loving someone is a wonderful choice/ option, even if it's spun as a "have to".

  • isaacaustin

    'have to' is not real spike....get real spike. Leave the JW cult and come to reality.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    reading comprehension is marvelous, and helps one love better, especially those one is trying to persuade.

  • isaacaustin

    and a free mind would you you in that immensely spiker.

  • Spike Tassel

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