AMAZING - Exposing Elders (re: Expose Ave...

by AMNESIAN 126 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear


    Iam also in favor of lessing the burden on my still entraped relatives. But by no means does doing so, lessen the need for them to get out.

    The mainstreaming of Jwdom may happen, but from the mindset of those who have witnessed all the lies for last 120yrs, I think it will take anthoer 120 to get them 'mainstreamed' without mass exodus. That seems to be the beck and call for all the big boys in the org, keep them in the fold, or else. If they continue in that mode, they may well see the complete downfall and disbanding of JWDOM. I hope so.


  • Frenchy

    ::: I don't agree with Amnesian when she says, "The average JW has no power. Zero. None."::: - Ginny.

    I agree with Ginny on this. Regular publishers recruit, shun, indoctrinate their children, report on other publishers (and on elders), support the organization financially, the list goes on.

    ::: I've been thinking today about whom I would blame for my becoming and remaining one of Jehovah's Witnesses. ::: -Ginny

    I’ve asked myself that same question. I’m trying very hard now to convince my two grown daughters that the ‘truth’ is not the truth. One of them told me the other day: “You taught me those things, dad. How is it that you were in it so long and did not see what seems so clear to you now?” She’s also apprehensive about what I say because I used to warn her about witnesses who apostated and turned against ‘the truth’. All of this happened while I was a publisher, and a marginal one at that.

    ::: I also remember the brothers and sisters in the congregation who were warm, kind, and loving. This, too, was strong evidence for me that these were Jehovah's people, so unlike cold, selfish worldly people…The people I knew were honest and sincere. They had researched, too. How could they all be wrong? ::: -ginny

    This was my experience as well. It was a very strong ‘evidence’ that this was truly THE truth. The C.S. paid very little attention to us. It was the publishers who guided, nourished, and inculcated ‘the truth’ in us. Later the elder arrangement came around and quite frankly we didn’t really understand what was going on. It was years before we realized the full scope of the change. (Some elders today still view the P.O. as the ‘head elder’ when, in fact, he has no more authority than any other elder)

    ::: My beliefs were continually reinforced by the literature I read and the talks I heard. I chose to read the books and listen to the talks, so I am not a hapless victim.:::

    Same here. I look back now and I’m amazed at how persistent and conscientious I was in making the ‘bridges of logic’ to make those doctrines make sense to me. I was once told by a prominent elder, after giving a public talk at his congregation, that he was always impressed by my talks, particularly to the meticulous way that I made everything fit in and the care I took in carrying the argument out to it’s logical conclusion. I WANTED it to be the truth…I MADE it so in my mind even when things did not make sense. As a publisher I did not go to the elders for clarification…I researched and reasoned until I had something that I could hold on to.

    ::: If disfellowshipping is a gun, publishers who shun are the bullet. Do publishers shun because elders tell them to? I think they shun because they believe it is God's will. :::

    I quite agree. Elders just designate the target, it’s the publishers who shoot. They not only accept the arrangement but they demand it.

    ::: I see the relationship between publishers and elders as a codependent one--publishers give elders their power. Beliefs cause publishers to relinquish their power.:::

    I have often said this and I believe it to be so. It’s the state of mind into which all witnesses enter, the great illusion, that makes the system work. The elders do not see with any greater clarity than the rank and file do. I speak from having been on both sides.

  • DannyBear


    I couldn't disagree more.

    To even suggest that the 'average' jw is just as culpable as an 'elder' of any sort, is like saying Jim Jones had little if anything to do with those hundreds who drank the kool aid.

    Or, the private first class is just as culpable as the brass, who ordered him to fire up the oven's in Nazi Germany. If you carry out this line of reasoning, why did the trials focus on only those who issued the orders, or had direct responsibility for making sure they were carried out.

    No, in my minds eye, you cannot ascribe blame or responsibility to the 'average' jw, they simply are doing what they are told. Told and told and told by the 'elder's' at all levels within the org.

    Oh sure, you could hypothisize that because the lowly private, should have questioned his order's more, should have second guessed his commander's, should have disobeyed, does not change the reality as to who shares the ultimate responsibility.

    Face it Frenchy, we who enforced the sanctions, did the bidding of the fds, should shoulder most if not all of the blame, for keeping the whole nasty business going. Just how long do think the society would last, if every sensible elder up and quit the dishonesty? It would all be over, the shorn sheep would just go home with no one to give them thier order's.



    Thought I'd pop in to assure that I have in no way abandoned this topic. I am periodically checking in here and carefully following the thoughtful reasoning and considering each and every comment. I am gratified by the enthusiastic dialogue this important subject engenders. Bears no resemblance at all to conversations I "enjoyed" as a JW .

    I will offer my own further and final input at some point in the future.


  • hawkaw

    I am slowly getting through this my friend. Please allow me a few more days (holidays are a busy time for me).

    You said:

    A few weeks ago, on this board, I tore into a decent, hard-working man, a frequent JWD contributor, who was critical of a Bethel-heavy my husband and I were friendly with many years ago whom I was deluding myself into thinking could somehow still be a good guy even though he works in Hypocrisy Central. The more this good man insisted that “RPJ” could not still be the good man we once knew, the more I snarled and snorted and bit and flailed. Of course, even then I knew the reason I fought him so was not because I had any evidence whatever that “RPJ” had not sold out. I was just so loathe to believe it. Well, the JWD poster of whom I speak, modestly---not brandishing it in any way---offered to connect me with someone who is in a position to know the truth about “RPJ.” Long story short, you know where that led. It confirmed my worst fear. “RPJ” has become one of the NY syndicate bosses. And why? Obviously not cause he’s still a true believer---this man’s way too smart and has seen and participated in way too much. The reason he sold out is the same one for which all men who remain elders mortgage their consciences and integrity and goodness and honor to the WTS: The Ps ---P R I V I L E G E. P O W E R. P R E S T I G E. P E R K S.
    Let me say you didn't tear into that certain poster and that certain poster thinks it is a complete honour to have gotten to know you.

    I am still reading this a few more times prior to adding any comments except to say I am very familar with your comments about the "P"s and the do make a lot of sense. I think that in this type of environment the "P"s are enhanced because there is no "checks and balances" such as laws and policies to stop (or at least slow down) the "company men".

    Tell me, did you ever read the August 22, 1967 Awake rag that someone sent me and that I posted in full on the board?


  • teejay


    This could be Watchtower rhetoric, Teejay. You've told me that your assertions are "beyond question," that there's "no escaping these facts," that it must be "reasonably concluded," and that suggesting otherwise is "ludicrous," but you have offered no evidence to support your point.

    Sorry for the rhetoric. Been reading too much around here. I'll cut to the chase.

    Elders are the grease that moves the org. As Danny said below, if all of the elders who have what remained of a good conscience decided to leave, the org. would fold tomorrow. Elders are responsible for setting the tone of the entire cong. They 'teach': (public talks, what they consider "special needs" & assembly parts, etc.). Depending on the elder and his current agenda, he can box a 'rebellious' person or even family into a corner and more or less FORCE them to comply with the rules. In the judicial process, their power over people (and the likelihood of permanent harm) is clearest. Said simply, no publisher can influence as many people or as strongly as the average elder. Those who try to deny this simple fact is either delusional or worse.

    Are those who exercise unconventional beliefs and behaviors smacked down only by elders? Are they not also smacked down by their Watchtower-trained conscience and by peer pressure?

    Both. Yet, have you never known of publishers who found it within their conscience to, let's say, allow their kid to go to college (despite all of the words in all of the Watchtowers) but were coerced to comply only because of the lead the elders took in causing tons of grief for the kid and his family? And I'd prefer anyone not say that in this case it was the parent's "trained conscience" that molded his/her behavior. That is a lie. Neither is it true to call it "peer pressure" because one's peers are under the same exact pressure to comply.

    The parent uses a tool to inflict pain on the child. Are elders a tool or are they doing the swinging?

    How much harm could a belt inflict on its own without someone wielding it? The rules are there, sure, but elders always have the option of turning a blind eye and letting people live as they see fit, regardless of what a magazine says. If he makes that a habit, however, he won't hold his position long and he knows it. He'd rather keep his position with its perks than do the right thing. This brings us right back to the influence he wields to make sure that a)the cong is ship-shape, and b) he keeps his position.

    I can only speak from my personal experience. The choices I made in the areas you mention were influenced more by reading Watchtower literature and peer pressure than by fear of elders. No local elders ever interfered in these aspects of my life.

    Elders decided what articles were written; wrote the articles; emphasized the main points of the articles you read; in various ways punnished those who didn't comply. The influence of elders was all around you... you were just never aware of it. Trust me.

    After giving my answer to whether elders are able to mentally process what they know? Are they truly aware? Are they thinking clearly or has their thinking been clouded by their beliefs? you said: "I remember how my mind worked as a JW, and I am extremely reluctant to judge anyone for the same distorted thinking I once had myself."

    Same here. I can't say whether there are men out there who came to the same understanding as, let's say, Bill did of the Wt's pedo policy. Of the thousands that are out there, tho, I'd guess there were SOME who remain elders. If I'm right, what would be their reasoning for staying in such a corrupt organization? Whatever the reason, that man would be under a serious moral obligation to do everything he possibly could to right every wrong he encountered from that point on whatever it was. Do some do that? Who knows.

    Without knowing why a man continues to be an elder, I will not judge him just because he is an elder.

    Same here. Please don't attempt to change the focus and nature of this debate in mid-stream. No one here is "judging" anyone. I'm not and no one is saying you are, either. In a nutshell, we're simply discussing whether in the congregation elders bear more accountability for the harms that come to people than publishers. I think the argument that the accountability factor is equal is false, if not outright disingenuous.

    Thought I'd pop in to assure that I have in no way abandoned this topic. I am periodically checking in here and carefully following the thoughtful reasoning and considering each and every comment... I will offer my own further and final input at some point in the future.[/I]

    Hey, stay outta this, Lady! We got a discussion goin' on here!!!

  • larc


    I was thinking of the military analogy before I just read your post. Like the soldier, the Witness believes in his cause and the rightness of what he is doing. It takes that kind of committment from top to bottom for an organization to function. Now, if the soldiers throw down their weapons and refuse to fight, the generals and their staff can not wage war. The same applies to the Witnesses. The rank and file follow orders because they believe in their cause.


    My experience is similiar to Ginny's. I will only comment on my decision to go to college. None of the servants questioned me about it. The only thing that was done, was that I was given more assignments. It seems to me, this was their attempt to keep me spiritually strong, while learning "worldy philosophy." The only pressure I had, was peer pressure. My buddies told me that I was wasting my time, as Armageddon would arrive before I graduated.

    Organizations and social influence have powerful affects on behavior at all levels of the organization, as I pointed out on my "Social Influence" thread.

  • Tina

    My esteem for you went so high it broke thru the ceiling!! An honest man! A man with the integrity and honesty to state the simple truth!! Thank you so much. You used none of the double-talk,none of the pass the buckism.You stated what was clear to many many of the lowly r/f who lived this situation everyday. Who had to deal with this group of men for decades and decades.
    And as teejay said this has nothing to do with judging. This is degrees of culpability.
    All the justifications and rationalizations Ive read here will never cloud that simple truth.
    Happy new Year ((( db,tj)))))))))

    Frenchy,you disgust me. I'm not even going to bother to answer your bullshit. . If bullshit were bricks you'd live in a castle.BullSHIT isnt a nicey nice gentle girl like word for ya. But it describes what you wrote.<snort>

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • Deacon

    I totally accept the blame for directing the thinking of the congregation, good and bad. I pointed..they followed and did what they did.

    Elders....we became the icons and the figureheads and the people to obey...

    If I screwed up or made a bad judgement or let a personal issue come to the fore...the congregation would do my job for me...

    I could not teach different from the dictates of the Society, but I could influence locally...

    Some chose to be really bad...

    I chose to leave, before I abused the power too.

    Amnesian...Im sorry for it all.

  • JT

    Frenchy says:

    ::: I see the relationship between publishers and elders as a codependent one--publishers give elders their power. Beliefs cause publishers to relinquish their power.:::

    I have often said this and I believe it to be so. It’s the state of mind into which all witnesses enter, the great illusion, that makes the system work. The elders do not see with any greater clarity than the rank and file do. I speak from having been on both sides.

    your post is the bottom line-- I see all this- he said- she said -you the blame -i'm the blame BS going on on this thread and it is a joke--

    we all were duped and the reason is simple regardless of our position we did it for 2 reasons

    1. we believED it was the will of god

    2. if it Was wrong then god would clean it up in HIS DUE TIME

    and those 2 things are what keeps the avg joe blow pub and joe blow elder in the org.

    when a Cousin is DFed and the announcement is read off by an Elder-
    the avg pub who is related by blood to this person doesn't say:

    "I can't speak to my cousin BECAUSE THE ELDERS SAID SO- or no they say because the FDS has shown me from the bible that in order for them to return to the congo they need to realize what they have loss due to thier actions of questioning the FDS"

    so we are back where we started THE SYSTEM WORKS

    I considered myself a half way informed elder who kept up on the "AOP" , yet i would go visit congo where you would have 5-7 elders and they were so ASS backwards it was a joke in terms of what they actually knew

    i keep seeing post about how much the elders know- man i know SISTERS who knew more org procedures than too many elders

    i recall this one time an old elder about 5yrs ago was talking to another elder who stated that Bro so and so has found a kidney donor

    and the old elder said : "We need to start putting together a judical committee for this bro cause he can't take no kidney"

    as i looked at the other elder - we both started to speak at the same time- informing his old A$$ he needed to keep up on NEW LIGHT

    so in my exp far too many elders simply did not qualify even to wt standards so you know the avg pub is in trouble.

    when i would see elders rejoice at how the society was setting them up as the fall guy - it told me that this guys really beleive this WE SPEAK FOR GOD

    MANY elders during break would commmit on how smart the society legal dept was by having us not write down anything connecting wt to the discision being made by local elders

    myself and 2 other elders who both are gone we realize they were setting us up for the "OKEE _DOKEE"

    so just as the avg pub sincerely believe that the elders where rep of god's visible org- elders too thought they were as well

    so sad

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