Well I have read all eight pages and am astounded by some of the feelings of the people here. That is the pro feelings for JWs GB members and Pedophiles and elders. I can't believe that some of these people are so with out conscience.
Never mind the Bible or some old antiquated law written by Moses over 4 thousand or more years ago to the Jews. Wake up this is the 21st. Century. I live no longer under that law and Christ fulfilled that law with the two greatest commands of loving God with every part of our being and to love our neighbour as ourselves so any two person rule is non applicable since Christ fulfilled it. However the essence of the law is with in the laws of love of God and neighbour. Surely love of God and fellow man should prevent any one from doing injury of anykind unto a fellow Christian their familes or their chidren or your own children. They are an inheritance from God. To love and cherish and protect with all of your being.
However in these particular proven cases of pedophilia nothing has been done. What disgust, what disdain I have for this organization that professed its purity and cleanliness within its organization. Imagine my shock when first learning of this filth that was happening in the organization and was being covered up. It sickened me beyond words. My uncle is a pedophile and I would also say the same of another uncle to but he didn't get to far as I pulled back from him everytime. He use to scare me especially when he took me out alone in his boat in the middle of the lake. The first uncle had incest with his two beautiful childern these children were so sweet and my heart ached for them, I havent seen hide nor hare of them since those years in the mid seventies.
I can only imagine the horrors and memories they live with each and every day. I have tried to find them but haven't yet found them. Perhaps they don't want to be found. I just want to make sure that they are somewhat okay. I despise the henious crimes my uncle did to those wonderful innocent children. He went to prison, but sadly they let him out. as far as I am concerned they should have thrown the key away and let him rot for what atrocities he did to his kids and other kids as well. Funny thing he told my dad that something was wrong in the cong. he said he felt Jehovah's spirit wasn't on the cong. The elders would fight and of course my uncle blamed all the other brothers and accused them of covering up something and yet all along it was him. Finally when it was made manifest because he did it to a neigbhour hood child he was found out about his own children and I guess he didn't deny it. He got caught as they say with his pants down and the rest is history. But my dear cousins are the ones that have me concerned. I just wish I knew if they are okay.
I feel that the WTS has hidden much under her own skirts, let alone what they claim about this so called Babylon the Great.
I think many of you know I returned to the faith of my earlier childhood , the Anglican Faith. The Canadian Diocese does a check up with the police every couple of years to check and see if there is anyone in the parish with positions of responsiblity have any sexual misconduct or charges laid against. This is the screening we do and the parish is always made aware of this and it is also applies to all the parishes of Anglican Faith and Episcopalians our sister church in the USA and other parts of the world.
It may not catch everyone but if it stops some then this is great, and as far as I can see that is what the JW's need to do is do crime checks on elders MS the Congregation Co ordinator. If they had done that then maybe just maybe they wouldn't be fighting for their empire right now. And innocent children wouldn't have gone through the terrible things they \have had to endure.
That is my opinion on the matter. As for family member pedophiles that is a hard call, and sometimes kept secret until someone comes forth. I just hope that the victim comes forth when they are able to go to the police and report it as soon as they are able to. We must take them seriously as children as a rule don't make up these stories and the terminology they use is also a give away them were molested sexually as most young ones don't know these words either.
Barbara and Joe, all I can say to you both is thanks for the courage you had to expose the organization as to this most evil wrongdoing with in the glass WatchTower.
Thanks again