wondering doesn't change the facts.
Anyone heard of Watchtower policy change concerning pedophiles
by Robert_V_Frazier 203 Replies latest watchtower scandals
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Spike Tassel
"No change in policy is required at this time." Trials must be endured until they come to their natural conclusions so that faith is refined into agape love, as per 2 Peter 1:5-8.
So says Spike, let the pedophila continue and wait on Jehovah, oops actually the men of the GB to make changes.
speaking out of your ass Spike
You know Spike, people pity you. people feel sorry for you...a mentally ill man with who supposedly has Asperger's syndrome...a loser in life....people actually stood up for oyu and pitied you. You comments here are over the top and have made people lose whatever respect they had for you.
Spike Tassel
The scriptures remain true, even if enemies try to make light of its serious judgments, of which this principle of 2 Peter 1:5-8 is just one.
Spike, start your own thread...
Spike Tassel
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"No change in policy is required at this time." Trials must be endured until they come to their natural conclusions so that faith is refined into agape love, as per 2 Peter 1:5-8.
And until the natural conclusion occurs, we have many fine jails for assholes who keep quiet about pedo's, murderers, and other pieces of shit in society. Satan will "persecute" them in jail.
Jehovah works in mysterious ways.