to Lady Lee: each person automatically comes with their own personality and perspective and experiences.
The "2-witness rule" is ACUTALLY a PRINCIPLE. But people sometimes get RULES and PRINCIPLES mixed up. We each use words in various ways, depending on the company we each keep. No two people keep the same company exactly, nor uses words exactly the same way.
Whole-souled obedience is what we are each to give Jehovah, WITH OUR POWER OF REASON (Romans 12:1-2). Any Org cannot PROHIBIT what Jehovah REQUIRES (Acts 5:29).
On the other hand, Gamaliel's counsel at Acts 5:38-39 is good: "Do not MEDDLE with these men"; "if it is from God, YOU will not be able to overthrow them"; YOU may perhaps be found fighters actually against God".
Each of these 3 aspects can soundly be applied from various perspectives: that of outsiders looking at the various sides of the debate, and from each of the sides of the debate. All surely have VALID points and those in ERROR, since all are imperfect humans (i.e. NONE has the FULL perspective).