Just because we have left the bOrg doesn't mean we have left God and Jesus. The governing body are false demi gods who try to usurp the position of Christ Jesus. There are Christians here on the board as you seem to ignore PJS but I'm not surprised since jws/bOrg believe that those who don't follow the wt/gb are actually following Satan, a premise that highly offends.
The struggle against the immediae danger from false teachers
by mrsjones5 196 Replies latest jw friends
Ok. I'm not sure how to make this any clearer for Angel Eyes and pjschipper...
1. This is NOT a forum run by Jehovah's Witnesses. It is in no way associated with or supported by the Jehovah's Witness organization.
2. Your organization specifically has asked its members not to run forums for JWs. In fact, it proactively goes after them and tries to shut them down, if at all possible.
3. Your presence here (nod to Angel Eyes in her excrutiatingly EXACT interpretation) is not forbidden by your organization. Instead it is strongly discouraged. A "truly strong and spiritual Jehovah's Witness" would not be on here and would not be associating or conversing with known apostates. Period.
4. We have already been witnessed too or, worse, were in the Jehovah's Witness cult. Therefore, if you truly believe your own organization's directives, go and preach to those who have not heard the "good news" so that the end can FINALLY come. Geez, the two of you could be making the end come later with all the time you're wasting here!
5. And yes, JWs ARE allowed to post here and because WE do not shun, we actually welcome almost everyone (trolls and generally obnoxious and offensive posters excluded.) Therefore, you can and probably will (for no reason I personally understand) continue to post. Guess what? That's actually ok. But, please, can you just cut out the bulls**t?
Well said Georgiegirl!
Guest with Questions
Like you Schipper, I too pray for those that are lost. Weekly we set apart a large part of our afternoon specifically to pray for witnesses, that they will one day see the folly of their beliefs. I believe that all Christians must witness and affirm the true gospel with witnesses that come to the door. They are lost. I pray that one day you, angel eyes, JohnJW and anyone else on this board that is a practicing witness will see it and turn to Christ. He is our only Saviour and Mediator.
Romans 10:9-13 (New International Version)
9 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. 11 As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." [ a ] 12 For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, 13 for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." [
PJS, does not a committe, called the writing committee control what goes into the lit you read? Is not the writing committee composed of Gov Body members?
The WT president is simply a placeholder, needed to retain the corporate status. The WT society is simply the printing press for the doctrines decided upon by the GB.If the Holy Spirit is your guide why all the errors and flase prophecies?
angel eyes
I see too much "romans 14v10" on this site....lets wait and see when armegeddon arrives who was right, and i dont mena that in a big headed way, but Jehovah will see all those who genuinely love him and yet are lost.
3. Your presence here (nod to Angel Eyes in her excrutiatingly EXACT interpretation) is not forbidden by your organization. Instead it is strongly discouraged. A "truly strong and spiritual Jehovah's Witness" would not be on here and would not be associating or conversing with known apostates. Period.
This is correct, on paper. The org would never print that you are forbidden. They would not want to be hung on their own words. But, in reality, a JW coming here (and known to the elders) would be very closely watched, and certainly not allowed any so call privelages or the holding of any positions. They would also be spoken to by the elders, and depending on the body their words would be closely followed. The wrong words would bring a judicial committee.
pjs: it's too bad Bible thumpers (JWs AND others) rarely take the time to read and ponder about the passages they quote... for instance, keyser soze called your attention on the fact that "Timothy" should keep away from, reprove, etc. the "evil" people and especially "false teachers" characteristic of the "last days". Get your mind on that and you'll realise that the text is not speaking of a future situation centuries away...
"1. This is NOT a forum run by Jehovah's Witnesses. It is in no way associated with or supported by the Jehovah's Witness organization. "
The bOrg has put their god in a box and named it jehovah. The bOrg and it's followers believe that they and only they have ownership over the god in a box named jehovah. If that name is seen on only thing else the bOrg and it's followers assume that they own it and it's only for their use. Poor little god in the box, guess it's just not that powerful to make the worldlies stop using that name.
angel eyes
Yes i hear thats the case in usa, strange how some congs are different to others. Ie some will say beards are wrong and others its ok. Some will say only white shirts for public talks, and others wont, I guess some will be firm and controlling and others not. :)