the problem is AE the WTS teaching of the Big A and Jerkhoobah destroying billions of young babies and children is deeply offensive, and certainly negates the ransom of JC, show we from the Bible where Jesus spoke of a great destruction of billions of non JW's?
The struggle against the immediae danger from false teachers
by mrsjones5 196 Replies latest jw friends
AE said: IA i dont care if you believe me....but i dont think i believe you because far too many times you have said the most ridiculous things, ive even spoken to my husband about it and he cant believe it either, but we took you at face value. Now i feel your saying ridiculous things so that i'll say thats not the case and you can start shooting me down.
my reply: No, being that you have been caught in a few lies I, and many here I am sure do not beleive you. Please point out a few ridiculous things I have said here? I do not mind your off the wall accusations- I am well known on this forum, have been here a few years and do not have the reputation to spout nonsense- like you do. AE, you shoot yourself down with the lies you have been caught in and your ridiculous assertions that we all know are lies. You feel I am saying ridiculous things so you can say they are untrue so i can shoot you down? That is probably the stupidest thing you have said yet. If I said ridiculous things that are untrue everyone here would call me on it. I would not be able to shoot you down. Thius far you have been shot down on everything- because all you have said is unture and ridiculous.
No congregation that I have ever been to has allowed beards. Presently I bet I could go to a district convention and not see one single beard. Maybe some of our covert jw board members could confirm if the no beard policy is still in play, I would hazzard to say it still is.
liberal o certain things yes- not on apostasy. The org has actually gotten tighter on that, not looser.
My GAWD how this thread serves to remind us how truly tiresome this Witness wrangling over this or that scripture really was.
Most of the time I hardly think about it any more.
angel eyes
your wrong but you wont see it. I wanted to know more so that i could mention it to my elders but they will say the same as me...its not the case over here.
Ive never lied on here atall....some have twisted what ive said but ive not lied. Ive always been honest and supported ones when ive felt that they were right no matter what it was they were saying. The difference is im honest and dont look for lies because i dont lie...but a lier will never trust others and always look for yourself do that everytime and i feel for you. I truly truly do not believe that what you say is right IA...even though usa maybe firmer there isnt anyway they would be completely different to us...noway because the gb are in union.
These verses from 2 Timothy remind me of the inner conflicts that I used to have when I was a Witness.
The WT was always going on about how bad the world was and how terrible were the people of this generation...The trouble was that I could not see it, in the world that I lived among.
I remember once that a C/O was giving the talk at an Assembly and asked " When was the last time that you walked down the street and felt safe" , I thought to myself "today" . He asked more questions like that and to every one I thought a different answer to what he said. I knew of course that horrible things do happen, but hey! haven't they always happened? Just read a little about live in Victorian times or right back in history, to see that people are just people..There have always been some bad people, and a lot of good people . The modern welfare system means that people need not be driven to crime by poverty..
I used to think that I was obviously the one who was in the wrong, that I was not thinking straight. I quite liked the people that I worked with. Despite living differently to me they were friendly and most of them lived for the good of their families.
I just tried to shelve my "worldly thoughts" and I tried to "Trust in Jehovah" , after all the Governing body knew a lot more than me. Didn't they??
It was too many years before I knew that my heart had been telling me right all along , and that the writers of those articles were manipulating the scriptures for their own benefit...After all, as Timothy wrote
"...... and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled"
I just failed to spot them
You can claim all you like...we all know the lies you have told on were caught in 2 of them. You simply claim your words were twisted, but it all speaks for itself. DOn't beleive me, I could care less. I was just setting the record straight for other lurkers. You are right, the US and UK would not be vastly different- which is how we all know you are making it up. The GB is in union?? They are all here- based in Brooklyn NY. They are not in the UK...only branches. The branches follow the gov body demands, the same as the branches in the US do.
angel eyes
yup..... i feel like im throwing pearls to the swine.....
Not going to listen to anymore rubbish, i just want to hear genuine people now and then do research into what they say.
Angel Eyes..
This is a picture of the Demon you said,you liked so much..
You said you were going to put it on a Tshirt..
It`s rare to find a JW that likes Demonic Art..
It`s even more rare to find a JW Pioneer,that likes Demonic Art..
I don`t understand why people don`t take you seriously..