For a group that claims not to believe in hell, why do JWs fear Satan and demons so much? A quick search on my 2003 WT CD reveals over 14,000 references just to Satan's name. . What is the worst thing Satan could do to a JW?
Why do JWs fear Satan and demons so much?
by Deputy Dog 97 Replies latest jw friends
A quick search on my 2003 WT CD reveals over 14,000 references just to Satan's name.-- not to get off topic but does a quick search using "Jesus' yield as many references on the cd? it does seem to me that they focus much more on satan & demons than Christ.
The worst thing satan could do to a jw? I imagine that would be turning him away from their god the Org and making them apostate.
JWs are subject to the power of Satan, thus they fear him.
Yes, they give satan and his demons so much power.
Plus it's also a cop out: "why did you sin?" "Satan made me do it, he knew what to tempt me with"
Well, we are taught that Satan is trying to turn us away from Jesus and Jehovah and that Satan is going to die - everlasting destruction, and we along with him if we follow his path ie. 'the world'. It is sheer fear. Other religions have hell, and the inbetween (purgatory?), while witnesses have final destruction. We are taught how evil Satan is and how he wants nothing more than for us to fail Jehovah and turn to him.
Wantstoleave, the only thing wrong with 'Satan is trying to turn us away from Jesus and Jehovah' is that all jw's equate leaving a man made org with leaving God. Jw's equate the watchtower society with God Himself, they hold equal weight in the mind of jw's.
Carla, I totally agree.
Found Sheep
I woke up with the kingdom melody "to whom do you belong" and it made me think that they truly believe you are a witness following Jehovah or not a witness and are following Satan... one or the other
here is a question: How did WTS deside which practices are hogwash, and which attract satan and his daemons? i mean, somewhere there must have been a study or something that made it likely oouju boards are a chanel of communication to Satan, and that talking to your dog is not. so what was it, heresay from teenagers that convinced them? talking smurfs?
The witnesses have a long history of fascination with superstition and the occult. They are even actually afraid of reading their own old books and magazines...and probably for good reason.
Given the miracle wheat, the healing electronic pseudo-medical machines, the pyramid chronology, the many prophecies of the end, etc...probably there is a mental need for something of the weirdly occult in such a controlling religion.
Smurfs, demonic antique mirrors, the Oujia Board, the Beatles record that says to kill your mother if you play it backwards, - it all adds a sort of missing zest to people who have never tasted salt nor pepper in their daily "spiritual food" from the straight-laced Watchtower.