Why do JWs fear Satan and demons so much?

by Deputy Dog 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    keep the light on at night? Aww sad shes that scared, we do have Jah's protection but we arent to misuse it. How foolish we would be to put ourselfs at risk on purpose. We remain alert at all times because satan will ALWAYS want to attack Jah's people...he wants us all to die.

    I fortunately dont fear satan or he demons, but im aware of his tricks and i never underestimate his power. But faith is powerful too.

  • JWoods
    we keep on guard, on the look out. sadly many people underestimate the power of the devil and the demons.

    I don't get it. What good does it do to "keep on guard, and look out"? That sounds to me an awful lot like paranoia.

    If the demons should make a pass at you unexpectedly, you could always just snap off a quick "be gone in the name of JEHOVAH" and that should do the trick. Why fantasize about it 24/7?

  • isaacaustin

    I probably agree AE...depending on what you mean by that. If you mean we don't fear the Devil but we would not just go out and dabble in the occult, I am in agreement.

    It is up to the individuals conscience for instance, what sort of movies or cartoons they choose to watch, which no blanket rule can be made or declared as right or wrong.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Aslong as we are careful, by that i mean not getting involved with demon worship etc, not getting involved with those who claim to speak to the dead, etc. Lots of you may disagree but believe me I know what im talking about. Satan does exist.

    I dont worry about it 24/7, its like making sure you turn the gas off after cooking,lock the front door, look everytime you cross the raod, they are things we have to do daily and many tims in a day, checking mirrors when driving, its the same regarding satan, it isnt stressful atall.

  • isaacaustin

    that sounds reasonable AE. When you say talk to the dead I am assuming you are speaking of rituals, rather thanthose who go yearly to the gravesites to say a few words to their dead relatives, as is the Jewish practice of my relatives.

  • jookbeard

    even if you became a witch/joined a Wicca group, got involved in Black Magic, practised Voodoo etc, you know what? it's a a load of baloney, even pray to Satan and the Demunz nothing will happen because, er they dont exist

  • garyneal

    angel eyes:

    You sound like my wife. It is true that Satan is the prince in power of the air and sea but he is not all powerful. Just like my wife, you underestimate the power of God. The Bible clearly state that God alone should be our fear and He alone should be our dread (go read it in your NWT bible Isaiah 8:12-13). That's not to say we should tempt God by toying with the devil and the occult but we should never fear the devil. As His children God will protect us, but not if we tempt Him (Matthew 4:6-7). Satan gets to us by tempting us (check the Genesis account concerning Eve and look up in the Bible how Satan tempted David with Bathsheba). But he cannot do anything to us without God's consent (read the book of Job).

    In short, God's in charge and the Jehovah's Witnesses do not seem to believe this when you look at how they fear Satan. They have the form of Godliness but seem to deny His power. Remember Matthew 10:28, "Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell (or as your translation says it, Gehenna)." Interesting how Jesus regards the body and the soul as seperate entities in this verse, does the Watchtower do this?

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    jb you really have led a sheltered life....believe me satan will show you he exists, dont temp him.

    Yes IA as in rituals.and also doing black magic etc......

  • jookbeard

    prove it? dont just say because it's my opinion, or because the Bible says that, or a WT from 1954 says that, prove it with some simple real evidence, and I'll show you giant Smurfs exist in my garden

  • JWoods

    AE, do you honestly and truly believe that the little blue smurf dolls, a Harry Potter book, or a broken 19th century mirror actually hold any possible danger for any intelligent person?

    Sorry, but I do not. I do not worry about alien abduction, attacks from the Yeti, (or the imminent destruction of Armageddon) either.

    I do carefully check over my airplane before I fly it. I also maintain my sports car before driving at speed.

    These things can be logically controlled...but one cannot control irrational fear. Such fear is a mental paralysis - which needs to be left on the rubbish pile of other falsehoods we used to believe as children.


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