Any advice about good dates has a few pre-requisites. If you...
A. Have made an effort to make a wide variety of new friends, you have social skills.
B. Have developed new hobbies and interests, you have things to talk about....
then do something where you can talk that won't be too long. A good first internet date is a simple cocktail at a nicer bar. Have a martini or two. The bill is cheap, and it's more grown up than coffee.
If you feel like you have nothing to say, then work on A and B above, but for your date go somewhere with something going on that you can comment on and discuss. If you're near a city, grab some lunch and go window shopping in a hip part of the city.
But really, don't stress. If the mojo is there, the date doesn't matter. If it isn't, no amount of planning will help at all. I've had successful first dates of all types: morning, afternoon, late night - pubs, coffee, dancing, parks, parties, home cooked dinner, sports, the beach. My best first date was a cemetery on halloween followed by a costume party. Don't sweat it.