and dont forget to arrange your fake emergency half time get out call in case shes a minger.
30 Years Old and Going on My First Date Ever -- Urgent Advice Needed
by neverendingjourney 49 Replies latest social relationships
I know you, dear heart, and most women would be thrilled to spend time with you.
Thanks for the kind words, Jamie. I need to call you to get some advise before the big date.
Having been on many dates, here's my advice (for what it's worth):
First and foremost remember you are out with a woman and not a guy.
Do not mask your scent with cologne. If your date is like most women, she will enjoy the smell of a clean man.
Keep the date short, no more than a couple of hours. Keep it light and friendly--Don't be asking too many personal questions, it's a date not the inquisition. If you like each other, you will see each other again and have another conversation. Perhaps another date will follow.
The brain is the largest sex organ, so stimulate her mind. May I suggest art exhibits or avante garde theatre as a pleasant alternative to the traditional dating venues? Oh, and be sure to feed her because "Nothing say lovin like something from the oven."
Be affectionate but do not kiss her goodnight. It is my opinion that handshakes are welcome on a first date, the guy's tongue down my throat is not. Besides, the longing for that first, gentle, kiss with a guy you are attracted to is very arousing. I'm getting tingly just thinking about it.
Anyway, have fun and be sure to come back here to dish after your date is over.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I'm no "dating scholar", so I'll leave it to the experts... the Botchtower Corporation experts! [bold mine]
*** g89 4/22 pp. 20-21 How Can I Carry On a Successful Courtship? ***
The First Dates
First of all, you should consider whether you (and any prospective partner) are of marriageable age and in a position to fulfill the responsibilities of marriage. Having decided that someone has possibilities as a marriage mate, you might approach the person and express a desire to get to know that one better. Assuming there is a positive response, your first date need not be some elaborate affair. A lunch date, or even being part of a group date, will enable you to become better acquainted so as to decide whether you want to take the relationship any further. Keeping things somewhat informal eases the nervousness both might feel initially. And by avoiding premature expressions of commitment, you can minimize the feelings of rejection—or embarrassment—if one of you loses interest.
Regardless of the type of date planned, show up on time, neatly and appropriately dressed. Display the skills of a good conversationalist. Be an active listener. Young men will want to follow what is considered locally to be good manners. This may include opening a door for the young lady or helping her to be seated. The young woman, while not expecting to be treated like a princess, should cooperate modestly with her date’s efforts. Though there are no hard rules in such matters, a young man can set a pattern of respect for the future, for a husband is commanded to ‘honor his wife as the weaker vessel.’—1 Peter 3:7.
Is holding hands, kissing, or embracing appropriate, and if so, when? When done as genuine expressions of endearment—not selfish passion—such actions can be viewed as clean in the eyes of God. The God-inspired Song of Solomon indicates that some fitting expressions of endearment had been exchanged between the Shulammite maiden and the shepherd boy she loved and would soon marry. (Song of Solomon 1:2; 2:6; 8:5) But as with that chaste couple, a couple would further take care that expressions of affection do not become unclean or lead to sexual immorality. (Galatians 5:19, 21) Expressions of endearment should be made only when the relationship has reached a point where mutual commitment has developed and marriage seems imminent. Doing so, you will not be distracted from a primary purpose of successful courtship—really getting to know the person.
You're welcome. Glad to help you out with this timely spiritual food
Make sure to clean your pipes before you go.
and dont forget to arrange your fake emergency half time get out call in case shes a minger.
(psst to Elsewhere: I tried geocaching after you told us about it. I dragged Mr. rebel8 to several sites and they all turned out to be on private property. So much for that hobby.)
Umm I am going in a different direction......
Bring a sweet bouquet or a single daisy or rose.
How about a hayride at a pumpkin farm or some other local event that offers a chance for lively conversation and entertainment!
Of course if you meet her and realize "" it "" ain't there, stick with dinner and movie so you don't have to talk too much..... say a polite goodbye and send a brief note saying you appreciate her accompanying you the other night but you are sure she, like you realize yall are not a good match.
If you decide she is good catch than you can contemplate her single-motherness.
I'm known as "El Guapo" around these woods. Here is some good advice: Talk about the NEW WORLD ORDER and how 9/11 was an inside job. Trust me, ladies will be wanting you for having great intellect.
NEVER ENDING JOURNEY- I read everybodies posts. Good advice so far . As a lot of people know here I met Mrs. Flipper on E-harmony-been happily married 3 years. So I'll tell you some things we did.
As you know - you've already been E-mailing this lady to inquire about your common interests. When you meet up with her - in your conversations - stay on those common interests like a lampshade on a light. We both love music , the mountains, nature, animals . So intially we stayed on interesting topics which would keep us entertained in a positive way. We met at a coffee house , had engaging conversation and noticed we had big time chemistry ( sexual, mental, & emotional ) and took a walk down the main street during the afternoon checking out the shops and hit some antique stores. Later had a bit of lunch and when dropping her off at her car I asked , " May I kiss you ? " She said yes - ( naturally ) And I made it a tender kiss with no deep tongue dives . Just little intermittent teasings of soft touch tongue teasers. ( Knew she'd want my tongue later ! ) LOL!
But just be honest with her - don't try to be Joe cool, just be yourself . Be happy , compliment her on her looks, what she's wearing , and be secure and confident. But not OVER confident. Be polite, show good etiquette and manners. A good thing to do before you even go on a date is ask her , " Why don't you think of where you'd like to go and let me know on the phone , I'm interested in what you'd like to do ? " That way- the lady immediately sees you are interested in her interests and in letting her have a say on what goes on - instead of ONLY YOU determining where you'd like to go. This will help her see you are unselfish and genuinely concerned in her personal outlook.
So- that's about it ! Have fun , give it a couple or 3 dates if it's going good and see what happens. You'll be able to see if you have chemistry on the first date ( I agree with Leaving WT ) so just take it as it comes and enjoy the experience. Don't get discouraged. I dated a few women on E-harmony before I met Mrs. Flipper - but that is what it's all about- exploring your options . You are in the drivers seat which is a good thing. Good luck, let us know how it goes ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Thanks for the kind words, Jamie. I need to call you to get some advise before the big date.
I am so looking forward to that!
I had two freinds use the E Harmony program with great success. Both ending up married and very happy. Now I can add Mr Flipper as well.
So, it can work nicely.
My brother, not the dating type found his wife on a dating service.