True, MM- I don't feel I'm in an "unfair fight"!
I'm havin' fun- and it looks like ya'll are, too!
by theMadJW 282 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
OUTLAW did I ever tell you... you are my hero!!!
Cheers from the North End to the Great White North
Are you saying you know better then those who have been both lied to and mistreated by Jehovah's Witnesses?
Let me make this easy: Would you be willing to admit that the Governing Body has purposely misrepresented previous propheicies that have proven false, as well as the histories of Russell and Rutherford?
If you think they have been 100% honest, then we have nothing further to discuss.
I admire the Catholics faith to. It doesn't make their claims that they have the truth relevant. Or JW's. Or Mormons. Or Scientologists. Or Muslims.... (stop me if you see a trend)
I admire their faith- even if misguided!
So what your saying is you admire people's stupidity.
The WTS. pulled off one of the biggest grievous exploitations on to the public,
exactly like it did 100 years ago as it still does to this day .
Thats nothing to admire, many people wasted their entire lives and their own personal potential
for the exploitation and corruption of a religious publishing house, a perfect example of humanitarian waste.
Dear Mr MadJW you said that you.....
....protect Bible TRUTH, to the best of my ability, and prefer to focus on scripture, rather than people!....
Well i was just wondering why you would want to know what accusations former MEMBERS have against JWs if you prefer NOT to focus on people?
Maybe theres the problem. There is a distinction without much of a difference since the JWs and GOD himself are in many cases interchangeable terms.
But to answer your question I do remember that I do have an accusation. Not that I wish you to equate me with Satan the great accuser ...but...
I remember always learning that Jehovahs name was the most important thing in the world to make known AND that it didnt matter which form we used, Jehovah OR Yaweh ,because although Yaweh was more accurate the important thing to remember is that we USE IT and make it known...well i did in the tallk I gave. Using Yaweh many times to which the elders later took me aside and told me NOT to disrupt the unity of the congregation by doing such a thing ..this floored me and caused me to question further because I came to realize it was all interpretation and obedience to interpretation that controlled me.