What accusations do you have about us JWs? AND what group are YOU a part of?

by theMadJW 282 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • theMadJW

    It's the accusations?

    Truth or coprolite, Chris?

    TTA, for people to desire to see Christ return SO bad, that they dess in sheets, and stand atop their roofs, they have faith in CHRIST- even if mislead by church.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    I protect Bible TRUTH, to the best of my ability, and prefer to focus on scripture, rather than people!

    What if the Bible was proven to inaccurate, distorted, mistranslated, full of myths and legends borrowed from the Greeks and others, contradictory?

    Bible TRUTH cannot be defended, unfortunately. Everyone interprets it differently. Further, Islam will tell you that Qua ran is the Holy Writ divinely inspired not the Bible. Others accept yet different Holy Books. Yet no one can prove that any of it true. We have no original manuscripts to any of it. Even if we did, so what? A bunch of self deluded men wrote a bunch of letters, books, and songs, that a later bunch of self appointed clerics decided to commit to a single canon, later known as the Bible.

    It's not that Jw's are bad. They are just in the same boat as all the other religions. Deluded fools all of them.


  • theMadJW

    AK- I have ALWAYS tried to see if that were true. It isn't.

    Simply because other religions have some similarities- SOMETIMES- does NOT mean the Bible writers pulled ideas from them.

    Let's start with an example; the Origin of Man.

    We all know the current and ridiculous THEORY of Evolution, where we, essentially, made ourselves- the result of endless impossibilities stacked upon one another. It's even more absurd than the beliefs of past peoples, where, the Sumerians (Ubadians?) believed Gods were battling, and a drop of their blood became the first man, etc.

    Now we have Genesis, where God forms the man from the ground, and empowers him with life- and a wife that evolution can't account for, and the human family begins (is documented), Genetics confirms there was an original couple, the sciences studying languages, race, and civilizations show us all braching back to one- instead of evolution popping up a man here, and a man there...

  • chrisjoel

    Bible Truth? Read this first


    as for Genesis are you kidding me? Gods "original purpose for the earth" is shattered by Genesis 2 19-22 ..God wants his first creature to choose which animal turns him on! What??? that should be the nail in the coffin but whatever......enjoy Genesis.

  • theMadJW

    I do enjoy it; it's so refreshing to have a SENSIBLE explanation of man's origin!

    Praise you God "Natural Selection"; maybe He will select the right combo for your Lotto ticket! heh

  • chrisjoel


    SO then...your motto should be "My interpretation, right or wrong" or "My religion right or wrong" and THEN say Praise you God! :)

  • theMadJW

    No, I say facts and evidence should matter more than Peer Pressure!

  • chrisjoel

    THen by all means,go ahead, show me and or prove to me that the bible is what i should be following and that i should dedicate myself to it and attend meetings at the kingdom hall in order to do his will as you are doing

  • theMadJW

    Chris- if you really WANTED to know, you would have already investigated the Bible, by intensive research- as I did in the Library for MONTHS to disprove the JWs.

    Nothing I can show you can change your desires.

  • MsDucky
    Now we have Genesis, where God forms the man from the ground, and empowers him with life- and a wife that evolution can't account for, and the human family begins (is documented), Genetics confirms there was an original couple, the sciences studying languages, race, and civilizations show us all braching back to one- instead of evolution popping up a man here, and a man there...

    I always thought that the Garden of Eden story was weird. God made one man and one woman? They had children? And their children had sex with one another to procreate and fill the earth. . .and then later on laws were made to not "lay down" with your brother or sister and so on and so forth.

    It's kind of perverted to think about.

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