"Let me pose a question: WHY is it that almost every poster here who is well known to be far-left on almost any political topic is a great believer in global warming and a great supporter of cap and tax?"
Let post an answer. Why are most posters who are known to be right of center in most political topics anti-Global Warming?
Also, why do you assume that those who believe in Global Warming are supporters of "cap and tax"? If you actually read what far left environmentalists write you will find near unanimous opposition to cap and trade? That includes me whom you would put in a so called "far left" position.
What's more I do not believe in redistribution of wealth, especially with corrupt third world countries. I do believe in aiding other countries by giving the people food relief and later, when we develop anti global warming technology contributing some of the products thereof and better yet some factories to produce things like electric bicycle cars, solar ovens, etc..
You further said:
"We cannot reduce it. Cars will still have to be driven, coal and natural gas electrical plants will still have to run, ships still have to sail the deep blue sea, cows chickens and pigs will still breathe and fart, and so on."
You simply have no imagination and you are also apparently ignorant of other issues like peak oil which will lower your polluting consumption whether you like it or not.
The reason I say you have no imagination is because you speak of cars, ships and electric power plants in their present state as if they were the last word in transportation and power generating technology. In actuality they are ill designed, grossly inefficient ways of carrying out their intended purpose. The only reason we still have these dinosaurian contraptions is because we have had, until recently, a seemingly unending "abundance" of oil. Are you familiar with the Peak Oil issue? Or is that another "Socialist Conspiracy"? Your statement "We cannot reduce it" is a pompous affront to the reality of nature. You'll have no other choice but to reduce and eliminate its use.
This whole civilization needs to be redesigned from the ground up. Communities designed like Arcosanti, self reliant villages of several hundred people who are within a five minute walk of living quarters, work place and, most important of all, gardens (or greenhouses) sufficiently large to feed several times the population.
Transportation between communities will be accomplished with four wheel bicycle cars (www.rhoadescar.com) at first, then with dune buggy style vehicles redesigned for road use and collision safety.
I thought it was hilarious that you said, ". . . ships still have to sail the deep blue sea, . . ."and said that in the context of inevitable petroleum consumption. Before you change your mind on that one, sailing will be good enough for me. With modern computer designed sails and photovoltaic panels a ship, while not matching speeds of liquid fueled ships, will still do a very decent job of sailing what used to be the blue seas.