Climate Change The New Catalyst For Globalists/Communist Utopia

by Perry 372 Replies latest members politics

  • JWoods

    So who had to resign? And, who is next?

    Those of us who do not swallow global warming hook line and sinker must really feel like a JW elder in about 1972 saying to the others - be careful, maybe the end of the world is not really going to come in 1975.

    There were very few of us.

  • besty

    ********* JWoods ********** - I'm calling you out for shoddy posting.

    Back to the climate change issue - did anybody notice that it is now being reported that the English climate agency admits that they have discarded the actual raw climate data gathered prior to approximately 1980 and that they "recreated" it in some unstated way. This is far more serious than the emails which show that the agency was decidedly prejudiced against other scientific opinions which challenged their views on warming - even to the point of trying to suppress opposing points of view.

    You are asking if we noticed a media report. You then summarize that report and added your own interpretation and conclusions. Even going so far as making your own unverifiable accusations

    The problems I see with this kind of post:

    1 - It does not provide any links for the reader to ascertain credibility and context of source material


    2 - It references a media report, not the original source. Why not provide a link to the climate agency website official statement? Why not JWoods?

    You would be more credible if you were more credible. Unfortunately you aren't.

  • besty

    JWoods - more shoddy posting and speculation.

    Professor Jones has not resigned:

    CRU Update 1 December

    Professor Phil Jones has today announced that he will stand aside as Director of the Climatic Research Unit until the completion of an independent Review resulting from allegations following the hacking and publication of emails from the Unit.

    Professor Jones said: "What is most important is that CRU continues its world leading research with as little interruption and diversion as possible. After a good deal of consideration I have decided that the best way to achieve this is by stepping aside from the Director's role during the course of the independent review and am grateful to the University for agreeing to this. The Review process will have my full support."

    Vice-Chancellor Professor Edward Acton said: "I have accepted Professor Jones's offer to stand aside during this period. It is an important step to ensure that CRU can continue to operate normally and the independent review can conduct its work into the allegations.

    “We will announce details of the Independent Review, including its terms of reference, timescale and the chair, within days. I am delighted that Professor Peter Liss, FRS, CBE, will become acting director.”

    Those of us who do not swallow global warming hook line and sinker must really feel like a JW elder in about 1972 saying to the others - be careful, maybe the end of the world is not really going to come in 1975.
    There were very few of us.

    Analogizing unquestioning obedience to a mind control cult with a global scientific consensus tells me everything I need to know about your critical thinking ability. Zilch.

    There is very few of you for a reason - natural selection.

  • JWoods

    Let me pose a question: WHY is it that almost every poster here who is well known to be far-left on almost any political topic is a great believer in global warming and a great supporter of cap and tax?

    Simple - global re-distribution of wealth. BUT -

    One thing to remember (a very simple thing) = all this "cap and trade" tax money will not reduce the output of worldwide (even U.S. national) CO2 one iota.

    We cannot reduce it. Cars will still have to be driven, coal and natural gas electrical plants will still have to run, ships still have to sail the deep blue sea, cows chickens and pigs will still breathe and fart, and so on.

    This is, pure and simple, a transfer of wealth scheme based on a pseudo-science which has practically become a religion to the left. (reference the various hysterical posts above)

    Time we wake up and smell the coffee.

  • besty

    Getting called on shoddy posting? Not got an answer?

    No problem - quickly change the subject and the simpleton peanut gallery you write for will forget all about it....

    Ahh that feels better already.....

  • bohm


    for the record, i think i belong to the so-called 'far left' (where i live i, incidently, belong to the political middle, go figure). however, i have not heard about cap-and-trade untill a couple of months ago, but i HAVE read about global warming for years now, and actively advocated eg. the use of nuclear power instead of fossil fuel.

    it is simply yet another ignorant statement.

  • JWoods

    What I posted is what I posted. I do not care what Besty thinks.

  • besty
    What I posted is what I posted. I do not care what Besty thinks.

    I care about what people on JWN read. I hope most readers have developed the critical thinking ability that allows them to make informed decisions and smell bullshit when it crosses their browser window.

  • JWoods

    The fact that there is a scandal with the East Anglia climate program, that their director had to resign, the emails reveal widespread prejudice and even fraud in favor of "warming" is now so well published that it would be superfluous to load up link after link of the news reports.

    It is not BS. It is public record now - much to the dismay of people like besty.

    Did you hear that Michael Mann is now under review as well?

  • B-Rock
    It does not provide any links for the reader to ascertain credibility and context of source material

    Oh what nincompoopery. The information is as much common knowledge now as "The Watchtower pimps Jehovah".

    It references a media report, not the original source.

    Please present the information from the original source, so we can laugh at it (Yes I've read it).

    Here, I'll do it for you:

    “We do not hold the original raw data but only the value-added data.” (read: massaged and butt raped data)

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Financial and legal firms have to hold original data for a loooooong time. But hey, the data to wreck the global economy and "line our pockets forever"? OOOOPS!

    Waka waka!

    You gotta love the bullshit graph they still have on their front page, based on bullshit data, bullshit modeling software, and bullshit collusion. All widely debunked bullshit. They've hit bottom and are too stupid and crooked to stop digging.

    Stay alive 'til 2025!!

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