Climate Change The New Catalyst For Globalists/Communist Utopia

by Perry 372 Replies latest members politics

  • journey-on

    Wow! The thot plickens....this is going to get nasty if this deceit is fully exposed and covered by the mainstream media. But, that's a big IF.

  • beksbks


  • Satanus

    This shit is wierd enough to be funny. It's much adoo, or doodoo about practically nothing.


  • Pistoff

    For the conspiracy crowd:

    Lunatic fringe
    I know you're out there
    You're in hiding
    And you hold your meetings
    We can hear you coming
    We know what you're after
    We're wise to you this time
    We won't let you kill the laughter.

    Lunatic fringe
    In the twilight's last gleaming
    This is open season
    But you won't get too far
    We know you've got to blame someone
    For your own confusion
    But we're on guard this time
    Against your final solution

    We can hear you coming
    (We can hear you coming)
    No you're not going to win this time
    We can hear the footsteps
    (We can hear the footsteps)
    Way out along the walkway
    Lunatic fringe
    We know you're out there
    But in these new dark ages
    There will still be light

    An eye for an eye;
    Well before you go under...
    Can you feel the resistance?
    Can you feel the thunder?

  • journey-on


  • Perry
    English climate agency admits that they have discarded the actual raw climate data gathered prior to approximately 1980 and that they "recreated" it in some unstated way. This is far more serious than the emails which show that the agency was decidedly prejudiced against other scientific opinions which challenged their views on warming - even to the point of trying to suppress opposing points of view.

    Excellent post JWoods.

    This is way too big, and there has been way too many billions stolen from people to promote as Al Gore put it... "global governance" for this to be properly investigated and the criminals brought to justice. No, this is going nowhere. If it wasn't for the internet, we wouldn't even know about it.

    Again, I say that the global warming alarmists are largely driven by the desire to create a vast system for exchange of wealth from the U.S. and Western Europe to third world and other nations.

    That's exactly right...that is the REAL story behind all this. Global warming is just the pretext.

    Look at this gem of Global Communist thievery from the current UN draft of the Copenhagen Climate Change Treaty :

    17. [[Developed [and developing] countries] [Developed and developing country Parties] [All Parties] [shall] [should]:]

    (a) Compensate for damage to the LDCs’ economy and also compensate for lost opportunities, resources, lives, land and dignity, as many will become environmental refugees;

    (b) Africa, in the context of environmental justice, should be equitably compensated for environmental, social and economic losses arising from the implementation of response measures.

    So boys and girls what this says is that if some country is in the strangle hold of some tyrannical dictator and is bleeding his country dry, YOU get to give him more of your hard earned money so he can get richer and destroy more people's lives.

    The Lesser Developed Countries (LDC's) are going to slap you with a "dignity tax" of all things. They call this "environmental justice". What a pile of excrement.

    I have emailed my congressman and state senator , and told them that I don't want any part of this.

  • JWoods
    Wow! The thot plickens....this is going to get nasty if this deceit is fully exposed and covered by the mainstream media. But, that's a big IF.

    Brit Hume did an excellent piece on the subject on Fox 5:00 news last night. But I doubt that this will be touched by most of the media - it is against their agenda. BTW - there is increasing noise on the ClimateGate subject that the true source was NOT a hacker, but rather an insider whistleblower who just got completely sick and tired of the deceipt.

  • Perry

    John Stossel is supposed to have a big story on the scandal on O'Reilly tonight at 7:00 CST

    Keep it nice folks when contacting your senator and congressman. Here's what I wrote:

    Dear XXXX,

    I and my friends have become aware of the Climate Gate scandal and would like to see a full investigation of this matter as it pertains to U.S. policies.

    I would like to also register my strong disagreement of entering into any global environmental alliance such as the one proposed in Copenhagen in a few days.

    I will vigorously oppose any elected official who pursues such a course.

    Thank You.

  • JWoods

    Very nice, Perry. I will be looking for it.

    BTW, have you read the book "The Chilling Stars" by Henrik Svensmark and Nigel Calder? Svensmark is the leader of the Sun-Climate research department of the Danish National Space Center. Calder, the co-writer, is a science writer and editor. Svensmark developed the theory that clouds are seeded by cosmic ray activity which causes ionization in the atmosphere. He suggests that this is one of the true causes of climate change - pointing out that cosmic ray intensity is strongly affected by the earth's magnetic field, in turn this being affected by sunspots.

    After he pointed out the fact that none of the English computer models (which have now come into question due to the ClimateGate memos) took into account the affect on the planet temperature that the total cloud cover has - he was one of the scientists who was demonized by the elitists.

    Svensmark is in fact also an environmentalist, and makes the point that really man should minimize use of fossil fuels as much as possible for economic, social, and other environmental issues. But he is also a realistic scientist and is pointing out that the CO2 alarmists are ignoring much of the issues in the complex science of global climate.

  • journey-on

    Funny thing is, I like thinking and being "green". It makes me feel good to use less energy, buy more energy efficient appliances, remodel my home with more environmentally friendly materials that will save energy, invest in environmentally conscious companies, recycle, use permanent totes instead of plastic bags at the grocery store, and in general try to lessen my carbon footprint. I'm all for greening up industries and the infrastructure over time and creating jobs in that sector.

    What I don't like is being lied to and having trusted researchers and leaders falsify data to create fear and urgency in something that may or may not be man made in order to shore up some massive plot to grab power, redistribute wealth and screw the people in the interim. What I don't like is idiot robotic follow-the-leader-type people telling others they're crazy for not gulping down the questions asked!!

    Perry, writing your senator and congressman is an excellent idea!! Hope it's not too late!

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