Introducing myself

by Aeiouy 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dgp

    Oh, and by the way, WELCOME. Keep reading, and you'll love what you'll see.

  • Aeiouy

    @dgp: Thanks for the welcome and the good advice. As far as the questions she asked me, I don't remember. I guess I should add an important detail. I don't think I included this. I still work with her. In the same building. I see her every day. We actually sat right next to each other for at least 6 months. That being said, I will see her tomorrow and will ask her if she remembers the questions. It was basically about what we believe though. I remember trying to explain everything we believe, and feeling so lost because it all sounded so absurd.

    >>>>Me trying to explain<<<<

    "See there's this one class, m'kay, and it's going to heaven. There's 144,000 in it. We get that number because Revelation says it. And it's literal. Even though nothing else in that book is, m'kay. And then there's this other group, and we don't know the number, m'kay? But it's big, m'kay. And it's called the Other Flock, m'kay. It's gonna live forever on earth. And everybody who doesn't believe us is going to die, m'kay? But I can't actually say they are going to die, m'kay. Cause that would be judging, and we don't really know who is going to live and die, m'kay. Are you following me? So everyone is going to die who is not a JW, but we don't know that for sure, m'kay. And by the way, we can't masturbate because that is self abuse, m'kay. Don't you feel like you're abusing yourself when you do it? You don't? Must be because you're Worldly. Oh, and everyone who isn't a JW is called Worldly, m'kay. But we can't actually call you Worldly, m'kay, because our PR department said we were getting bad rap for that. So we call you Unbelievers instead, m'kay? Also, the Governing Body is God's mouthpiece, m'kay. No no no, not INSPIRED, m'kay. Just a mouthpiece. So they speak for God m'kay. But they are not 'God-breathed'. How does that work? What do you mean? They are a Prophet. No not an inspired Prophet.... No not a false Prophet either, m'kay. Just a prophet. As in they speak for God, but he doesn't tell them to speak. But he does through his Holy Spirit, m'kay. So they're told what to write, but they're not told what to write, they're just told by the HS, which isn't God, see? Are you following me?"

    Lol! maybe that will help ya until I ask her tomorrow. What a load of lies.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Any that's why Watchtower Corp prints tons of colorful books, m'kay, because actually explaining it in person makes zero sense. The householder can't actually ask the book a question.

    And it's way harder to explain to a pretty girl, m'kay.

  • yknot


    Why get DFd? Should the Elders come a knockin' why not simply claim depression or being overwhelmed. You do not want to comment but rather continue waiting on Jehovah......and tell them should you need them you will be in touch, thank them and show them the door.

  • moshe

    Welcome to the forum. Take your time with this girl- there are plenty more anddating a girl from work is always with risks. You have to rediscover who you really are as a person, before you can commit to a relationship.

  • dgp

    Moshe is right, too, about dating someone from work. I just would like to point out that the relationship already exists, and it went... far.

    About rediscovering yourself, yeah, that is true, too. I just hope you rediscover yourself but you keep your eyes open about the good things that she brings with her.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Welcome Aeiouy. :)

    Pull up a Lazyboy recliner, grab a cuppa and hang out with us. (__)o

  • independent_tre

    Reading experiences such as yours is always wonderful. To know that every day people wake up from the lies and regain their freedom truly gives so many hope. Thanks for taking the time and sharing all of your story with us.

    Your situation is why so many of us resort to 'fading'. There really is no easy answer to your relationship with your mom. For me, I felt like if I came clean about what I really believe, then the org wins, and I lose my family. I refuse to give them that victory. However, fading for me has been virtually painless because I'm married to a non - JW, live on my own - not near most of my family. It would be awful if I still lived at home and had to attend meetings and go out in service. Yuck.

    Anyway, I wish you much success in your future, but it seems like you've gained the ultimate rewards already - freedom and happiness.

  • Aeiouy

    So I need some help. Suggestions, ideas, etc. I spoke with this girl about my posts, and sent her an email with the link. She read it and sent me a very heartfelt email in reply. One of the things she mentioned was that she didn't think quitting meetings and growing a beard was enough to give my mother the idea. She said it was a cop-out, and was not really communicating. I tend to agree with her. I've had issues with proper communication, and want to start getting it right from now on. @Independant_tre: I totally see where you are coming from. I think with my particular situation though, it might be best to send my mom an email and explain my stance.

    So, any suggestions on what to include? Things that bother me are: Beards; Children being slaughtered by a bear for calling a prophet baldy; 1914; 607; Jesus being the mirror Image of Jehovah: Would Jesus have killed children by sending a bear to eat them? I think not. etc.; The GB's infallibility; The GB saying they are not inspired, but acting like a prophet anyway. Anyone every heard of an uninspired prophet? Yeah, they're called false prophets.

    How doI express my feelings about this without forcing her to do what she thinks she has to and reporting me to the BoE. Or should I even worry about that?

    Again, thoughts, feelings, suggestions. And thank you for all your help. This is really strengthing me to stand up for what I really believe.

  • moshe
    -I think with my particular situation though, it might be best to send my mom an email and explain my stance.

    The less said the better- six months from now you will wish you could take back the stuff you are thinking about telling your mother. You are an adult- get it into your head that you don't owe anybody , except a police officer an explanation about your actions.

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