I Don't Sympathise With Suicides

by Englishman 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    I agree with what you said, Eman, as long as it is a repeat offender. I had soemone very close to me attempt it, and they called their family...the person was able to be saved. The first time it is a cry for help, but repeat offenses are selfish, and attention seeking.


  • dubla

    andi (and others)-

    i agree with you that we dont all understand what kevin is going through, and we probably cant unless weve been there.....which is why i said in my post that i was sure i didnt fully understand what kevin was feeling. i also agree that gentle kindness is probably the best way to talk to someone that really just wants you to listen and understand, and doesnt know how to cope.

    the thing that gets me is the way kevin went about it. i have no problem with him talking to those that care, sharing feelings, getting support, recieving love and concern from others......what i have a problem with is the selfish act of threatening suicide and leaving everyone hanging to worry for 24 hours, intentionally. now obviously there is no way for me to disecrn for certain what his specific intentions were; whether or not he fully intended to go through with it that night.....but it seems likely to me that at some point he realized (or he already knew) that he wasnt actually going to commit suicide. he knew full well all the hearts he left hanging, and many times people do this (leave people hanging) intentionally for attention getting purposes. i cannot judge kevins actions with 100% accuacy, because i dont know, but again, this seems likely given the way he went about it. to me, its a selfish and cruel act. then again, suicide itself is a very selfish act.


  • binadub


    It goes without saying that there are always exceptions--to everything. When you go to Las Vegas, its a known fact that some people win. But there are suicides from people who don't. Most of those didn't warn a lot of people before they jumped out a 10th story window.

    I would again suggest you get a good book on co-dependency.

    bin Adub
    It is the theory which decides what we can observe.--Albert Einstein

  • Esmeralda

    i'm speechless.

  • ThiChi

    Has this topic reached a dead end?

    “Cancel my subscription to the resurrection. Send my credentials to the House of Detention, I got some friends inside.....” The Doors

  • waiting

    Last year my s-i-l's 18 yr old daughter was talking on the phone to a good friend, a guy. He was depressed - also handsome, intelligent, with a complete scholarship to college, and a high income family. I know his family, own local Greek steakhouse.

    While speaking with her, he threatened to kill himself - blow his brains out. She tried to tease with him, as he got depressed sometimes. She cajoled, teased, then got serious, then started begging him. He kept her on the phone....and then blew his brains out as she listened. She then ran screaming to her neighbor's house where 911 was called.

    Next month, she was in a psych ward trying to recover. The boy was buried- the only child in his family.

    One never knows.


  • Englishman

    No, nothing is ever certain. I do know this though, you must take responsibility for your own life, even if you choose to end it, knowing what grief that will cause others.

    Me, I admit to having little sympathy with suicides, even those ho really mean it and do it. But there again I have little time for those people who choose to be permanent victims, and in being that way drive the rest of us nuts.

    Life is what you make it IMO, if you get grief from others than I think that your demeanour attracts that sort of person.

    Lets toughen up a little here and start taking some responsibility for where we are at!


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • dubla

    a little over six years ago, my brother-in-law called my sister (his wife) and left a message on her machine threatening to kill himself. she never saw him again......he laid down that afternoon under the tailpipe of a running vehicle, garage closed, and thats where they found the body, with his face burned off from the heat of the exhaust.

    one never does know. ive been around suicidal people all my life, some very close to me.......ive known people that have went through with it, and ive known countless others that have threatened it. no one knows for sure what a person is thinking, and whether or not the person will actually do what they threaten to do. its a very scary place to be in if you care about this person......which is why it is so selfish to put those that care about you through the emotional wringer. im glad kevin didnt commit suicide, and i hope he doenst get to that point. i also hope he doesnt leave all of his friends hanging again the way he did last night with a false threat.


  • ThiChi

    ""I have little time for those people who choose to be permanent victims, and in being that way drive the rest of us nuts.""

    You hit the nail on the head!

    “Cancel my subscription to the resurrection. Send my credentials to the House of Detention, I got some friends inside.....” The Doors

  • Satanus

    Ok, i'll post something radical.

    Steps for handling suicidals:

    1. Talk to them, hear their story, give them attention, love etc, try to help them.
    2. If the person seriously wants to end it, respect that decision.
    3. Form suicide priesthood, which will perform appropriate cleansing/blessing cerimonies to aide the suicidee to reach a better place in the afterlife.
    4. Have spiritualist psychics perform afterdeath services to help spirit of deceased ascend properly.

    I'm running for cover now, bye.


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