No disrespect intended but I wonder how tough you would be and what kinds of comments you would make if you wife suddenly was killed in a car accident. You have a great life, a loving beautiful wife, lot's of friends and a bar stool with your name on it at you local pub. I'm sure looking at life throng your eyes you do not have time for the pain in someone else's.
It's people like you who make comments like you have that become the most devastated victims when something like what happens to Kevin happens to you. Iv seen the biggest and strongest of men get down on their knees and cry like a baby at the loss of a loved one. Showing emotion and doing things a little out of the ordinary are normal for most people in circumstances like this. Saying someone needs to act like a man and not feel pain or react to that pain is a very narrow minded look at life. The stiff upper lip concept is fine for some but it's just arrogant stupidity to others.
Enjoy your life and treasure your wife and friends. They all can be gone in a heart beat. Until it happens to you, and I hope it never does, you may never understand how Kevin feels. Iv seen a lot of death and pain in my life, more than a lot of people. It is something that changes your life and makes you become a more understanding person. Kevin is not out to gather sympathy form from the women on the board, he's gay for Christ sakes. And even if it was I don't see where it should bother you one way or another. You are one of the most frequent posters on this board and if anyone would need to judge and try to put point a finger at someone looking for attention I'm sure a few fingers would point at you.
That kind of stuff is bullshit, whether it is done toward you or anyone else including Kevin. Kevin's partner was a friend of mine and a damn good person. He died sudden and many people were hurting because of it. As you said yourself, you don't know Kevin, maybe if you took a little time to get to know the man you might be a little more understanding.
I always thought you had more character than this. Either that or you are going through a few problems in your own life and this is how you deal with it. I don't know. What I do know is I think you are a great guy and I'm a bit surprised in your comment. I guess we all get to know a little more about each other in times like this.
Be thankful for the life you have and the people you love in it. They may not always be there. It's just something to think about.
Take care,