I Don't Sympathise With Suicides

by Englishman 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear

    LOL Dave,

    Why is it that the expression 'bullshit', just seem's to convey one's total disagrement, so well? Must be our ancestorial ties to cow punching, and heavy spreading of fertilizer.

    In any event, I have no concept at all, what the hell size of a 'crock' is. Let's just say in the case of this subject, I visualized one of those huge crocks used in the making of beer, you know the one that holds like 50gallons? Hope that help's you dimwit.

    ps. Of course, anybody but me, would consider a large crock, a sign of manliness.

  • GoldDustWoman

    What Danny, Dave, and Skipper said!

    Seems to me that one of the reasons we all empathize with each other as former JWs is that we know the pain of having been there. So when someone shares the devastating pain of a JW related experience, we circle our wagons and attempt to comfort them.

    I shared with someone recently about my JW background. Their response? "So, what"? They just could not relate. Hard to when you haven't been there.

    So, E-man, et.al, you probably haven't been there. You know what? I sincerely hope you never have to experience the loss of a loved one or dear friend to suicide. I think your cavalier attitude towards those that have, would be changed permanently.


  • unclebruce


    "... Uncle Bruce ... you who are such an outstanding example of self love...(said with heavy sarcasm) thank you for so clearly demonstrating your views and thinking. I won't bother to insult any of you except to say this: there is less chance of getting any of you to change your minds and find some love for your fellow man than getting the deleterious old men running the Watchtower show to realize what they are doing is murdering people. Your own words condemn you. Skipper"
    You'e wanking yourself in public mindchild.

    Where were you when I was helping Kevin eh??? Where were you when mine was the only post to kevin apart from 2 brief "don't do it buddy" posts?? Have you read all I have written on this? Have you ever helped anyone in a crisis? In my experience really suicidal people, i mean someone on the verge of the act itself, don't respond to whispers of "don't do it" but need more dramatic action OK?

    I am in no way condeming the two posters who said that to Kevin, most people don't know what to do at a time like that.

    Englishman and i are miles apart in some respects on this and in agreement on others .. that's life .. it ain't all as simple as you'd like. I have been one of few here bolstering people like logical and fred hall what about you? Careful who you condem withoput thinking mildchild some of us little folk have big boots and strong legs.

    You've gone off half cocked skipper ... sheesh!!! get a grip .. or should i say loosen it up?


  • Mindchild

    Uncle Bruce...what gave me the impression that you have a callous attitude towards others who are mentally distressed and unstable is this statement you made in this thread:

    Some guy had a fit yesterday because I dared say to Kevin that i'd wrap him in a blanket and throw him off the pier .. big deal I've done worse than that to depressed people. I started making up a list of people i know who have attempted suicide .. it ended up around two dozen…..Laughter is a big key to mental health and well being.
    Now in the post above, you seem to be indicating that you do care and try to help someone in times of crisis...that is really cool. The way you put things in this quote though looks just the opposite to me buddy. I commend you Sir if you are for real in helping people. I have been down that road myself in helping several people. I don't think there is much to laugh about at all. It could be that I don't understand your sense of humor at all, you guys are standing on your heads down there and all you know.

    So, again if you don't tell people to go off themselves when they are looking for help, you are cool and I apologize. Yes, maybe only one in a thousand would actually do something for real in killing themselves if someone said that, but I sure the hell don't want to test my luck. I think I just got a bit too pissed at this whole thread and lumped you in with the others.

    Kind Regards,


  • Englishman

    Let's get a couple of things straight here. I accept that some people are very desperate and need support, especially in the wee small hours. Her Ladyship worked for years for The Samaritans who are a suicide help group and saw some tragic stuff.

    I have lost 2 aquaintances to suicide in the last 5 years, worse still, I spoke with one of them the day before and had no idea that this person would take his own life.

    I have also been witness to several bogus suicide "attempts", and I know that the chaos and heartache they cause is devestating to friends and family. Quite a few of them make it into an art form.

    I am very suspicious of someone threatening suicide on this site, I would assume that it was an attention seeking ploy, as I said before, once a person is THAT close most of them are incapable of speech at all, certainly not whilst on line.

    Yes, I have a good life, and my biggest dread is losing one of my loved one's. It terrifies me beyond belief. I am not a heartless bastard but I do believe in the power to make change and that power is only in our own hand, no-one can do it for us.

    As for Uncle Jimbo I a sure that he doesn't mean everything he says, that is just a big wind-up to get everyone hoppin' mad IMO.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • radar


    There are a lot of people seeking attention here on this board in various ways.
    Some would say Farkel was attention seeking by saying his goodbye's.
    Frequent posters could be seen as attention seekers also.

    This is understandable knowing the background we all have as JWs.

    So why do you say : "I am very suspicious of someone threatening suicide on this site"?

    Why should you be suspicious. Is this board, The Congregation of JWs!

    Why not keep your suspicions to yourself.
    Maybe you should be chosen as Presiding Overseer?

    Simon where are you?


  • zerubberballs

    Thanks for the explaination mindchild,

    You are a level headed guy and much valued here from your very first post. I think the only way Englishman and I will be fully understood is if we post long on our personal experiences with the suicidal. Something I am loath to do for personal reasons.

    I also believe everyone here apart from the elusive 'unclejimbo' (BATHORY?) handled the whole thing very well, it's an emotional subject and i'm sure one that touches on the lives of JWs more than your average citizen.

    cheers, unclebruce.



    You are a rock!! and I agree that lunatic unclejimbo was winding things up .. irresponsible wanker. I don't agree with you 100% but so freak'n what .. i'm sure that feeling is mutual. I can't think of anyone better on this board i'd rather have near me in any kind of crisis.

    cheers, unc.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I'll bet Kevin feels a lot better now after his foolishness the other day and now all this criticism of his behaviour. All this analysis by experts that has worked out that he was faking and seeking attention.
    Dont let it bother you Kevin, if you're ever feeling like pretending to commit suicide again just to get some attention, or even if your'e serious, I will still try to talk you out of it.
    Isnt that what this boards here for?
    Hopefully, yes. To support those in need,the lonely, the desperate.
    You guys criticize "Termites" comment as not intellectual enough?
    They were the only meaningful words in this entire stupid thread.
    A hanfull of powerful words that cut to the chase.
    Who cares if the guy was faking? He still needs help.Thats what hes faking for.

  • Englishman

    I have spent this morning doing some research as to the way that suicide support agencies such as The Samaritans operate.

    Firstly, this agency acknowledges the right that a person has to die at his own hand if he so definitely desires it. The Samaritans offer a listening ear only. They do not make suggestions as to how the person can improve the quality of their life. They are totally matter of fact about the whole thing. They definitely don’t offer sympathy. Often, the caller will be able to move on emotionally simply by talking things out with a Samaritan who will only ask questions but never suggest solutions. Finding solutions is the callers task, made easier by having unburdened himself.

    If a caller phones and says “I am going to kill myself”, the agency will ask him how intends to go about it, what method of death will he use. If, for example, the caller says he is going to throw himself of a bridge, the agency will ask him which bridge will he use, will he be able to get a taxi there or wait until morning so as to take the bus. The agency will ask him if the bridge is tall enough to kill himself, supposing he seriously injures himself but lives, will he be able to cope being hopelessly crippled thereafter? Will others suffer as a result of his actions?

    The agency always insists that the would be suicide talks through the mechanics of their departure and understands that a relatively easy death is very difficult to organise for oneself and that perhaps further thought as to the method is needed before going ahead with a botched and excrutiating painful death. It’s at this point that the really determined one’s are weeded out from the less distressed one’s.

    So, there you go, no I don’t ever offer sympathy to the suicidal either.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • DannyBear


    I would suggest that your research revealed the truest form of 'sympathy'.

    a. a relationship or affinity between people or things in which whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other.

    So the very fact that the Samaritans offer a listening ear, and ask the very 'sympathetic' direct questions, you enumerated, shows the highest form of sympathy, and investment of time.

    So I believe your word choice should have been;

    I don't ever offer 'my time' to the suicidal either.

    If not it is how you have come across here.


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