Let's get a couple of things straight here. I accept that some people are very desperate and need support, especially in the wee small hours. Her Ladyship worked for years for The Samaritans who are a suicide help group and saw some tragic stuff.
I have lost 2 aquaintances to suicide in the last 5 years, worse still, I spoke with one of them the day before and had no idea that this person would take his own life.
I have also been witness to several bogus suicide "attempts", and I know that the chaos and heartache they cause is devestating to friends and family. Quite a few of them make it into an art form.
I am very suspicious of someone threatening suicide on this site, I would assume that it was an attention seeking ploy, as I said before, once a person is THAT close most of them are incapable of speech at all, certainly not whilst on line.
Yes, I have a good life, and my biggest dread is losing one of my loved one's. It terrifies me beyond belief. I am not a heartless bastard but I do believe in the power to make change and that power is only in our own hand, no-one can do it for us.
As for Uncle Jimbo I a sure that he doesn't mean everything he says, that is just a big wind-up to get everyone hoppin' mad IMO.
Bring on the dancing girls!