I typed 'suicide warning signs' into a search engine, dozens and dozens of sites came up.
With little variation on all these sites, this is typically what was stated.
75% of 'successful' suicide attempts were talked of before hand, and/or indicated by unusual or dangerous behaviors; one often mentioned was combining alcohol with drugs.
While males have the highest percentage of 'successful' suicides, beginning with older (past age 60) males, then teenagers, then younger to mid-adult males.
Women are more likely to 'say' they have attempted suicide, or are considering it for the attention factor, or as a desperation measure in a love-gone-bad relationship.
Homosexuals, lesbians, and bisexuals all have a suicide rate up to at least 7% higher than heterosexual populations. (Some studies put it even higher.)
Suicidal thoughts and attempts are significantly higher among people who:
1. Have lost a mate/partner, parent, or other close relative.
2. Among those who have had a dramatic experience connected with religion - excommunication, disillusionment re formally held deep beliefs, sudden abandonment of previous held beliefs...such as turning from Christianity to atheism, or vice versa without taking the time to be truly grounded/secure in new beliefs.
3. Have been primary caregivers for someone close to them who has suffered longterm, and died as a result of a henious illness, particularly, but not limited to cancer in its various forms.
There was much more information presented, but I wanted to specifically mention the above, because in one way or another they apply to Kevin. Furthermore, he had to additionally deal with stress imposed from Jon-Jon's JW father.
Do I think Kevin truly wants to die? NO, but there is no doubt he is experiencing out of control thoughts, and does need the professional help, which will now hopefully be forthcoming.
I give him credit, too, for coming back today to apologize, it couldn't have been an easy thing to do, to facing the entire JW.com community, and he could have just as easily privately e-mailed one or two of his chatroom friends.