Why is god hiding?

by AK - Jeff 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • restrangled

    Jeff, great question.

    I believe in god, but also believe we are not important enough to him on our short time span here on earth.

    Going back to the Garden of Eden, he had to search for Adam, and allowed the entire fruit eating scenario happen, seemingly without his knowledge.

    Cain killed Abel, again he was not aware it happened, until Abel's blood was crying out from the ground.

    The tower of Babel....after it was built he was upset enough to see the advances made and confused languages.

    All the commotion with Angels coming down to be with Women......It must of gone on for years, and then he decides to destroy everything except Noah and his family.

    With Noah, the scriptures mention,Genesis 8:1(NIV) "But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded."

    Just prior to that in 7:24 it says "The water flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days."

    Do you see a pattern here?

    It seems he gets involved for a while and then turns his back.

    The last time he was involved was when he sent his son. Perhaps he is waiting to look at us and find out just who has self aggrandized claiming to be speaking for him and are the only ones receiving his Holy Spirit.

    I don't think he has looked at or listened to us in a great while.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    I don't think he has looked at or listened to us in a great while.

    I agree. That could be another way of stating that 'god is dead' for some. Or perhaps that 'god is hiding'?

    I don't think he could care less about our situation, which could mean he never did, perhaps never was. I am willing to accept his existence if it is possible to confirm that. I personally don't believe it is possible.


  • thetrueone

    Why is god hiding?

    He was a lonely child and because of this he's very shy.

    Mind you, he does like the smell of burning flesh preferably from animals,

    so if you have a animal that you could sacrifice make a alter of some sort

    in your back yard and burn it by hot flame.

    He just might make an appearance.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Elija and the Baal guys tried that, eh? Problem is that Elijah's people wrote the report, and of course Elijah's god came right out of hiding that day. Baal did not.

    Of course Elijah's god is back in hiding now for many centuries. Using the privy, perhaps?


  • wobble

    I was only thinking this morning, if He wants to get in touch with me it is quite easy, I have two or three e-mail addys, two landline phones, an internet phone, and two mobile phones. Plus I am at home most of the time.

    When I was still a believer I spoke to Him a number of times, and his Son Jesus, and asked Him to get in touch, the closest I got was a JW coming to see me, and on a later occasion an E-mail from Stephen (Chalam). God did not bother.

    Why is god hiding ? is a great question,

    thanks for the thread Jeff.

  • Heartofaboy

    I've pondered starting a thread about this myself.

    I believe something / someone of enormous wisdom & power created the universe & this wonderful planet.

    I believe humans were designed.

    What I don't get is why it created us with brains that crave logic & understanding of our surroundings & purpose in existing & then demands faith & teases us with riddles, prophecy & obscurity.

  • wobble

    Could it be that god or god's boy, were messing about one day in a celestial laboratory ,and he accidentally started something that caused the Big Bang, didn't realise he had done it, and walked off to do something much more fun?

    Just askin'.



  • WTWizard

    He could simply do good things for people now, instead of eternally promising to deliver them from the trouble He Himself created for the purpose. That would give people a reason to want to serve Him. He also could have given us advice, that is absolutely unmistakable, that would always have good results when properly followed (and be very close to impossible for anyone that is sincere to fxxx up). He could have made it so, the more of His advice you actually follow, the better the outcome is going to be instead of one miss and you get nothing.

    Doing that, more people would want to serve God. They would get better things (not at some "indifinite date", but now) the closer they abide by the Bible. And, God would get more respect and service that would be genuine--it works both ways, but if you are going to barge into people's lives and demand they love you unconditionally, they are not going to like it. God was uninvited, so He had better give them a sound reason ("Because I said so" is not sound, and neither is death or hell threats) to love Him.

  • goldensky

    Dear AK-Jeff, I love all your posts.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    What I don't get is why it created us with brains that crave logic & understanding of our surroundings & purpose in existing & then demands faith & teases us with riddles, prophecy & obscurity.

    Well stated.


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