Jeff, great question.
I believe in god, but also believe we are not important enough to him on our short time span here on earth.
Going back to the Garden of Eden, he had to search for Adam, and allowed the entire fruit eating scenario happen, seemingly without his knowledge.
Cain killed Abel, again he was not aware it happened, until Abel's blood was crying out from the ground.
The tower of Babel....after it was built he was upset enough to see the advances made and confused languages.
All the commotion with Angels coming down to be with Women......It must of gone on for years, and then he decides to destroy everything except Noah and his family.
With Noah, the scriptures mention,Genesis 8:1(NIV) "But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded."
Just prior to that in 7:24 it says "The water flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days."
Do you see a pattern here?
It seems he gets involved for a while and then turns his back.
The last time he was involved was when he sent his son. Perhaps he is waiting to look at us and find out just who has self aggrandized claiming to be speaking for him and are the only ones receiving his Holy Spirit.
I don't think he has looked at or listened to us in a great while.