actually one can worship by some people know they are worshipping and/or making Satan happy when they are fornicating?? stealing?? and such??? no, not really...i didn't know what was wrong at one point...but i've bettered myself in not doing those wrong things, i didn't want to make satan happy i wanted to make God happy.
10 good reasons why celebrating birthdays should be allowed
by bluecanary 90 Replies latest watchtower bible
No my friend that is not worshiping by accident, that is fornicating. Now if some one was to fornicate for the purpose of trying to please Satan or to displease God then that would be a form of worship. (Besides that would be a stupid reason to fornicate) I know where your line of reasoning is comming from, the JW's say that if you are not a JW then you are a Satan worshiper if you know it or not. That is a real weak line of reasoning. They are saying believe just like we believe, change when we change, and don't vary one iota or you are a Satan worshiper. I know they like to have everything cut and dry and simple, but life is not like that. No matter what a person does, or how the JW persive them the fact remains the JW's can not read another persons heart, and therefore are not in a position to judge another persons eternal destany. I know they want to but they have no business trying, nor do we!
Sweet, I started a thread a while back that discusses the reason why I feel JWs are not the true religion. I've been looking to see if a JW or JW apologist could address that issue. Would you mind taking a crack at it?
Sweet - using your logic about birthday celebrations being self-centered celebrations, how do you address the fact that EVERY married JW I have ever known has celebrated their anniversaries? How does that differ an any way, shape or form from a birthday?? They are both self-centered celebrations of a specific day. When Jesus was born, there was great cause for celebration in heaven and on earth...if it is acceptable to God to celebrate Jesus' birthday, why would we not do the same for our children?
I look forward to your answer...
actually one can worship by some people know they are worshipping and/or making Satan happy when they are fornicating?? ....
Never once has Satan lifted a finger or even offered a kind word to show the slightest bit of appreciation at my having fornicated for his viewing pleasure--ingrate bastard!
zombie dub
there is an account of Abraham celebrating Isaacs birthday too somewhere, I found it once, can't remeber the passage now - something to do with Isaac's coming of age ceremony or something similar.
none of the first century christians did any holiday celebrating nor celebrated their own why is it such a big deal today?? i'm sure most of us know the answer of why jws do the wedding's because God created marriage...sure adam and eve didn't walk down the aisle her dressed in wedding gown and adam dressed in tux...they were created by God...his own hands!!!! to actually have God hand make you would be a blessing and an honor!!! unfortunately none of us have the privilege for God to handmake us since then...but thats the reason why jws have wedding anniversaries is because that's a god given's not a's a celebration...God never told us to celebrate jesus birthday...Jesus said for us to remember him.."do this in remembrance of me." in fact, to even celebrate jesus birthday doesn't one need to know the EXACT date that a person was born in order to even celebrate the birth?? i dont know about you guys...but does anywhere in the bible say Jesus was born on December 25??? If there is scripture and i dont care what translation of bible i can look up on internet i would like to see this...and the description of his birth points to that jesus wasn't even born in december...even a lot of people that not even studying with jws, other people of other faiths, religions know that jesus wasn't born on december 25.
According to my Bible, God was the creator of human procreation for the purpose of bringing forth children, so your argument about anniversaries versus birthdays doesn't wash. God never told us to observe anniversaries either. I am unaware of any "official" holiday status for birthdays...last I checked they were also celebrations.
Also, please show me where it states that first century Christians did not celebrate any holidays? I believe that many of those Christians were also Jews who still observed many of the festivals of the OT. Come to think of it, Jesus was celebrating a holiday (Passover) the night before his death.
To bring up December 25th as Christ's birthday is a "red herring" argument...would it be acceptable to celebrate his birth if we knew the exact date?
I respect your right to your opinion, but if you are going to put forth an argument, please have a defensible rationale for your argument.
White Dove
Ever heard of the sabats? They correspond to all of the festivals/holidays/celebrations of Israel. There are 8 sabats but there may have been more festivals than that in Israel. Jesus celebrated all of them.
They were based on the rhythm of nature, the giving thanks for and asking blessings for planting, growing, and harvests.
Paul said in the first post above to not judge someone on any celebration they may choose to observe, even the FULL MOON!
That is a pagan observance!
Just because birthdays may not have been a big deal (or were they?) 1,000's of years ago doesn't mean they can't be now.
Isn't that an ad hoc...homonym...something argument, a logical falicy that states that because something did or didn't happen before, it could not or must happen presently?
Anyway, you need to take a college course on critical thinking so you can stop using logical falicies like the Watchtower does.
anyways all in all..we all have the right to free will...God did give us that gift...what happens to us with our free will well that's everyone's choice...adam and eve had free will look where that got them...look where that got us...the people of noah's time had free will everyone but noah's family and a lot of animals were spared...look what happened with the rest of the ones who didn't survive look where their free will got them...jws dont force people to not celebrate holidays and such...its everyone's choice not to celebrate or to celebrate pagan holidays