10 good reasons why celebrating birthdays should be allowed
by bluecanary 90 Replies latest watchtower bible
I'm not sure where in Job but it does mention that his children all died while all were at one of the siblings house celebrating "his day". And "his day" refers to the day of his birth. Yes they died but it was because Satan killed them to hurt Job. So if they were pleasing him why would Satan kill them, and if they were displeasing Jehovah why would he promice Job that they would be resurected? Also nowhere does the Bible say we can not or should not celebrate B'days, it does mention that we should not go beyond what has be writen.
Cake...cake is the best reason for anything.
Hiding Questioner
Perhaps this has already been mentioned, as I have not read all comments...but I must say that I actually think that, for the good of human relationships between people and families, celebrating birthdays should be embraced and encouraged within the JWs.
I find that without birthdays people have yet one more way in which to distance themselves from one another. It is the one time we can openly acknowledge another person's existance and show a measure of love. As a result of not having brithdays, too often I see people lossing respect for each other and those not receiving birthdays can be made to feel unapreciated, unloved and worse. Eventually, people can feel as though they are a non entity.
A simple annual birthday acknowlegement of the value of a person's life could and should end all that uncertainty and make for happier lives. So sad.
The Finger
I think you should celebreate birthdays because i likes them. ( wot a bunch of nonsense) (i think the 10 reasons are really good.) I always thougth the reasons for not celebrating were a bunch of crap!
Job1'4,5 Job,s sons held a feast on their day, a special day, what day was celebrated?
The point to be made, it was a special day for each of his sons.
sweet - you indicated that Birthdays and other "holidays" were conscience matters fro JWs to celebrate or not. The "Shepherd the Flock" book (secret book for elders) says on page 94-95 under the heading "Apostasy" - "Celebrating a false religious holiday would be similar to performing any other act of false worship. (Jer. 7:16-19)" That person would be immediately subject to a judicial committee for "apostasy". Ask any JW and the will tell you birthdays are included in the "false religious holiday" definition. Sorry if it hurts, but it is true.....
Double Vision, I found the scripture about wedding presents: 1 Kings 9: 16: " (Phar´aoh the king of Egypt himself had come up and then captured Ge´zer and burned it with fire, and the Ca´naan·ites dwelling in the city he had killed. So he gave it as a parting gift to his daughter, the wife of Sol´o·mon.)"
Interestingly, the NWT has changed it to say "parting gift." Whereas most other translations specifically call it a wedding gift. Of course, what else would a parting gift be in under the circumstances?
I forgot to mention before, the haircut refers to the disaster that befell Samson.
This is the post where I got the breakfast cereal thing.
As for drinking, I can't find the post but off the top of my head I think of the debacle that was the night of Babylon's conquering by Medo-Persia. And there's the time the Israelites got drunk off their asses and were seduced by the women of . . . someplace I can't remember (Midian?) David got Uriah drunk to try make him do his wife.
Look for yourself how the scriptures refer to dogs. Either it's an insult, or the dogs are associated with eating the villains. Like birthdays, they're always associated with something negative.
And just for fun, check out the reasoning on cats.
FACT: Job was a righteous man before God.
His sons used to hold feasts in their homes on their birthdays, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
Job 1:4 (TNIV)
His sons used to go and feast in the house of each on his day (birthday) in turn, and they invited their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
Job 1:4 (AMP)
His sons went and held a feast in the house of each one on his birthday; and they sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
Job 1:4 (WEB)
Why do we disfellowship people if they ever decide to celebrate a simple birthday?Didn't the angels rejoice when Jesus was born?
The bible says NOTHING about forbidding us to celebrate birthdays yet it clearly states that 'Gluttony is a sin' shouldn't we then disfellowship people that pig out on food because the bible says so?(1 Corinthians 4:6) Do not go beyond the things that are written.
(Matthew 15:8-9) ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.
Crisis of Conscience
Count me in! I'm ready to cut some heads off for my wife's and my next birthday!
Thanks for the great thread and ideas!