However itmust be said that the recordingof age throughout thE Bible. So they had to keep track of birthdays to put ages in the scriptures. you cant really say that the DiD or did NOT celebrate birthdays. Interesting
10 good reasons why celebrating birthdays should be allowed
by bluecanary 90 Replies latest watchtower bible
twice shy
@blue canary for quoting (Six of Nine) -- I looked around and thought "are we interested in saving lives, or not?" That's what it comes down to. JW's make a big deal about "stumbling". Well why don't they practice what they preach and stop "stumbling" worldly people away from Jehovah with their silly, non-biblical, contradicted by their own writings, birthday psuedo-doctrine?
This is a great post. I used th same scriptures when apologizing and re-teaching my children. Especially enjoyed the true intent of Romans 14:4-9
This site has some awesome information for presenting the truth about several things while using scripture to back it up.
Glad this one resurfaced. Gonna read it now!
Band on the Run
Birthdays are a big deal to little kids who see their friends birthday celebrated by parents. How long does it take to order a cake and plan a party?
I don't understand why people celebrate them. What's the point? What is the accomplishment?
You survived another year?
Rattigan, you never had a birthday did you? You never had a special day where those who love you got together to celebrate YOU being in their life. I'm sorry you have not had that experience, you would understand better if you did.
Go to a birthday party and try to look at it with new eyes and an open mind, try to see it is about love, family, tradition and not necessarily just gifts and cake.
Imagine a day where for a few hours people are thinking of you and trying to make you happy with little gifts, favorite foods, perhaps a few jokes or other silliness all in hopes of making your day special. It doesn't mean they are not cabable of loving God at the same time in fact many families say a prayer thanking God for having this person in their life for another year and blessings for a great new year ahead, etc...
jw's like to say that to have a birthday somehow takes importance or worship away from God, how ridiculous as if one cannot chew gum and walk at the same time!
Noah's birthday is recorded for us.
It was the day when Jehovah drained the water off the earth, and as a 601st birthday treat to himself Noah opened up the ark covering for some fresh air.
(Genesis 8:13) Now in the 601st year, in the first month, on the first day of the month, the waters had drained from the earth; and Noah removed the covering of the ark and saw that the surface of the ground was drying.
These seem like all logical points, but how do you mitigate the risk of someone losing their head? Isn't that the primary concern of the Watchtower's birthday ban? I have attended several birthday partys and worrying about the risk of beheading takes the fun out of the festivities.
Found Sheep
I love birthdays it's sometimes hard to keep up with being we all have one every year :) Well that is if we are lucky enough to be alive.