Elder called last night and they are stopping by tonite for a 'visit'.......

by troubled mind 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • dissed

    troubled mind -

    You guys handled yourself very well.

    Being on the otherside at one time, I could not imagine having someone come back so directly, especially a JW sister. Bravo for you!

    Those Elders had several things on their prepared agenda, but the one that was eating at them, and one they will have to answer to the body, will be the Xmas decorations.

    You guys gave a convoluted answer. Your husband, said "not me" and you, "none of your business". That's not specific enough to proceed to JC at this time. Telling you to send a letter, no matter how kindly spoken, is an acknowledgement that they have given up on you, but not your husband. You must have been aweful convincing for an Elder to lose it that way. Again Bravo!

    Overall, it sounds like you gave them plenty to proceed further, if they want to. But you came across as simply, you just quit the WTS, want nothing to do with it, and more importantly, have found a much better way to live. Having your husband a bit quiet, may give them pause, thinking they still have a chance to save him.

    Glad it went so well for you and so bad for them. "Rats! We lost another one"

  • happy1975

    Troubled mind!!! I'm so glad I saw your post! The exact same thing is happening to my husband and I. The elders stopped by without calling first and tried to get us to confess to somthing that they could use to df us. Then when they didn't get anything they stopped by my BIL's house (unannounced also) to grill him for information (he didn't have anything either). They've been harassing us by phone and by visits to our home unannounced. IT'S TERRIBLE!

    -Happy (usually)

  • wokeup1

    I have not been to a meeting for 5 years after being in for 25. Not once,ever did a "elder"(what in the hell does that really mean anyway) "MS"

    "Friend" try to inquire about me, oops sorry maybe 1 friend once. I am so hurt and crushed I don't know if I'll make it......Wrong..... I would have

    DA'd(or whatever there little term is) along time ago, but we had several witnesses working for us that were pretty critical to our business success,

    but guess what? There pretty much all gone now and I could care less if they DF me Da me whatever. Please come to my door and request a visit with me and my husband. It would make my weekend!!! WOKEUP1

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