Victim mentality shouldn't be confused with learned helplessness. You feel like a victim when you get beaten, choked and kicked, believe me! Learned helplessness involves giving the abuser god-like status and the inability to make an escape. It is just as strong as cult mind control and unfortunately hard to break. The abuser usually keeps the abused isolated, so it's difficult for her to understand that a way out is possible. Saying things like "poor me doesn't work for me" only reinforces the victim's learned helplessness, because she is being attacked for being attacked.
"Just leave" is about the worst advice you can give a battered woman, because her life is most at risk when she does leave. Careful planning and preparation with domestic violence professionals, the courts and law enforcement are key. The best thing to do for a battered woman is to educate her about to whom and where she should go for help.
I'm sorry for people who have been in emotionally abusive relationships, but it is nowhere near what it is like being in a physically abusive relationship. And don't forget that the battered woman is also dealing with emotional abuse as well. And there is a huge price for leaving, even if it's done successfully.
To any battered woman who may be reading this thread, please know that there is help out there for you. The key is to choose that help wisely so you can escape and keep yourself safe. It will be difficult, sometimes moreso than just staying and being beaten. But in the long run, you'll be saving your own life and giving yourself a chance at happiness.
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