I hold in my hands the unchangeable word of God. It has read the same for two thousand years. It matters not one whit to me what any religions think or do not think about it. It is not my business. This is in part why I am a Fundamentalist as opposed to a demonationalist. Denomonations carry heiarchial baggage I don't need.
God himself lives inside of me. You cannot change that or take that away. He has written his laws on my heart just as he long ago recorded that he would. I am in need of no instructor because the eternal Holy Spirit resides in me and guides me in all the ways of truth.
No matter how bad you would like to, you simply cannot make God's presence leave me. God's laws are to love him and to love my neighbor as myself. Do you find this concept dangerous?
God changed me from a drugged out mess of a person into a kind, gentle person, the kind of person that I always wanted to be. Nothing that you can ever do or say will ever change that.
Groups that developed concepts of cruel gods were writing their own license for cruelty in their behavior, can you even see that connection. One object of this forum is to point out dangerous religions
If God was never to punish evil, that would in fact make him an enabler of evil. Get it? A God who never punished evil would be the absolute cruelest of all.
You seem like a very confused person...with all due respect.